export default {
	"C0000019": "E&xit",
	"CT000157": "$1",
	"C0000018": "Calculation Flag",
	"CT000154": "Minimum $3 $4  used.",
	"C0000015": "Value Date",
	"CT000153": "No additional charge as same result for old and new data",
	"C0000014": "End of Period",
	"CT000156": "Additional claim $1",
	"C0000017": "Amount",
	"CT000155": "Refund $1",
	"C0000016": "Cur.",
	"CT000150": "No additional charge as $1 $2 are calulated for old data.",
	"CT000152": "reduced by result for old data : $1 $3\nNow to be charged: $1 $2",
	"C0000013": "Begin of Period",
	"CT000151": "reduced by result for old data : $1 $3\nNow to be refunded: $1 $2",
	"S0000028": "Current/ Future Calculations (up to next 5 years)",
	"S0000029": "Amounts per Period (up to next 5 years, including minimum / maximum information)",
	"CT000209": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000208": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000207": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"C0000008": "Base Amount",
	"CT000202": "增额部分基于 $1 i.e. $2 $3 ($4 $5)",
	"CT000047": "Calculation Details",
	"C0000007": "Rate",
	"CT000201": "Total result: $1 $2",
	"CT000204": "Minimum units applied: $1 $2",
	"C0000009": "Result",
	"CT000203": "Units (re)calculated from $1 to $2 = $3 $4",
	"C0000004": "Units",
	"C0000003": "Date until",
	"C0000006": "Margin",
	"CT000200": "$1 $2",
	"C0000005": "Base Rate",
	"CT000161": "$1 max.",
	"CT000160": "$1",
	"C0000002": "Date from",
	"CT000217": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000216": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000218": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000059": "$2 $5 $1 for $3 $4 min",
	"CT000213": "Units increased $3 $4(from $1 to $2)",
	"CT000212": "展期部分基于 OPNAMT $1 $2 ($3 $4)",
	"CT000215": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000176": "$1",
	"CT000178": "$1",
	"CT000210": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000172": "Calculation impossible for invalid period",
	"CT000171": "Fee $1 calculated from liability balance, but more than one liability entry for contract found.\nFee has not been recaclulated. Please check.",
	"CT000174": "Calculation of $1 units of $3 ($2).",
	"CT000173": "Fee $1 have been amended or settled in other currencies in earlier transactions.\nPlease check recalculation of fee $1 carefully.",
	"CT000170": "Fee $1 calculated from liability balance, but liability entry for contract not found.\nFee has not been recaclulated. Please check.",
	"CT000107": "bps",
	"CT000228": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000106": "or fraction thereof",
	"CT000227": "增额部分费用: $1$2",
	"CT000109": "Minimum $3 $4  used.",
	"CT000108": "$1 $3 $4",
	"CT000229": "展期部分费用: $1$2",
	"CT000224": "信用证余额 $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000069": "Calculating refund from $1 to $2",
	"CT000102": "next settlement is due at $1.",
	"CT000223": "增额 $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000105": "$1 $2",
	"CT000226": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000104": "$1 additional period(s) settled to reach total minimum of this fee",
	"CT000225": "Total Amount: $1 $2",
	"CT000186": "Fee not yet calculated. Start date cannot be later than end date",
	"CT000189": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000100": "Commission limit for this settlement reached",
	"C0000027": "Tier",
	"CT000188": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000183": "$1",
	"CT000061": "$2 $5 $1 for $3 $4",
	"CT000185": "Fee not yet calculated. Please set both dates.",
	"CT000180": "$1",
	"CT000117": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000119": "Calculation of repeated periods ($1-$2)",
	"CT000116": "Calculation for first $4 periods:\n   - amount $1 $2 * rate $3 = $1 $5",
	"CT000110": "Maximum $3 $4 used.",
	"CT000198": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000197": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000079": "Flat Amount $1 $2 from conditions * $3 units = $1 $4",
	"CT000112": "Please enter amount and dates manually",
	"CT000111": "% p.a.",
	"CT000199": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000194": "- amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000072": "Using fee minimum of $1 $2",
	"CT000193": "Condition only valid for $1 repeated periods. Please enter amount manually.",
	"CT000196": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000195": "adding base amount $1 $2 $3 times",
	"CT000190": "- Sorry, repeated periods cannot be calculated.\n   Please calculate and enter fee manually",
	"CT000071": "Interest not yet calulated. Dates not yet consistent",
	"CT000192": "Calculation of repeated periods ($1-$2)",
	"CT000070": "- $1-$2 $3 units at rate $4 on $5 $6 \n  => $5 $7",
	"CT000191": "- Sorry, condition only valid for previous periods.\n   Please calculate and enter fee amount manually",
	"CT000129": "- Sorry, repeated periods cannot be calculated.\n   Please calculate and enter fee manually",
	"CT000124": "Total result: $1 $2",
	"CT000126": "- amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000088": "Units (re)calculated from $1 to $2 = $3 $4",
	"CT000121": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000087": "Calculation: amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000120": "Condition only valid for $1 repeated periods. Please enter amount manually.",
	"CT000002": "$1 for $3 months",
	"R0000179": "$2%o $1 max.\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000089": "Calculation: tier portion $1 $2 * per mille $3%o * units $4",
	"CT000084": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000083": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000085": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000080": "Calculation based on $1 i.e. $2 $3",
	"CT000082": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000081": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000139": "next settlement is due at $1.",
	"CT000136": "adding base amount $1 $2 $3 times",
	"RG000232": "Calculated from $1 to $2 \', Today, line\\dat2 )",
	"CT000135": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"RG000233": "Calculated from $1 to $2 \', line\\OLDMATDAT, line\\dat2 )",
	"CT000138": "$1 above $2",
	"CT000137": "Interest on balance $2 cannot be calulated yet:\n$1",
	"CT000099": "- $1-$2 $3 $4 ($5)",
	"CT000098": "Calculation: amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000131": "- Sorry, condition only valid for previous periods.\n   Please calculate and enter fee amount manually",
	"CT000134": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000133": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000095": "Condition from $1 used.",
	"R0000177": "$2%o $1 min.\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000094": "Minimum units applied: $1 $2",
	"CT000097": "$1 B.P. interest on balance $2 cannot be calulated: Reference rate $1 not found",
	"R0000175": "$2%o $1\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000096": "Plus per mille calculated from lower tiers $1 $2 = $1 $3",
	"CT000091": "$1% monthly interest on $2 for $3 months",
	"CT000090": "$1% Interest per annum on $2 for $3 periods (days)",
	"CT000093": "$1% on $2 for $3 quarters",
	"CT000092": "$1% per quarter on $2 for $3 quarters",
	"PD000001": "Details of Calculation",
	"CT000147": "$1 $2",
	"CT000146": "Fee not yet calculated. Start date cannot be later than end date",
	"CT000148": "Amount $1 $2 converted to $3 $4 at rate $5",
	"CT000145": "Fee not yet calculated. Please set both dates.",
	"CT000144": "days",
	"CT000141": "Relevant amount $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000140": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",