export default {
	"CG000122": "抹账",
	"S0000031": "融资业务编号",
	"SG000099": "表外欠息利息",
	"S0000032": "单据编号",
	"SG000098": "还款方式",
	"S0000033": "简略信息",
	"S0000034": "融资类型",
	"S0000035": "融资金额",
	"PD000021": "Settlement Notice",
	"PD000064": "Debit Notice",
	"PD000022": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000069": "Finance",
	"CG000115": "计算",
	"SG000125": "福费廷转卖类型",
	"SG000124": "计息周期",
	"S0000085": "借据号",
	"SG000121": "我行借记账户",
	"SG000120": "第三方还款账号",
	"S0000044": "%",
	"CT000046": "Debit Notice",
	"S0000046": "起息日期",
	"CT000045": "More than the open amount of $1 $2 cannot be repaid",
	"S0000036": "简略信息",
	"CT000040": "settlement",
	"PD000015": "Settle",
	"S0000037": "融资客户",
	"CT000042": "Settlement Notice",
	"CF000058": "",
	"CF000059": "",
	"SG000119": "第三方还款方式",
	"SG000118": "执行利率",
	"SG000117": "融资状态",
	"SG000116": "偿还利息总额",
	"CT000059": "融资还款试算有误或者未试算,请重试!",
	"CT000058": "还款总额计算有误,请重算",
	"S0000097": "还款账号",
	"SG000110": "偿还本金",
	"CT000055": "There are buyers stored in this contract. Please check, if parts of the amount received have to be passed to buyers using foreign charges grid with payer INV and the buyers as payee.\n\nIf more than the open amount has been received this is usually necessary (and the open amount to be set as amount repaid).",
	"S0000047": "到期日",
	"S0000048": "编号",
	"CF000061": "",
	"CF000062": "",
	"CF000060": "",
	"SG000109": "偿还本金利息",
	"SG000108": "偿还表内欠息",
	"SG000107": "偿还表内欠息利息",
	"SG000106": "偿还表外欠息",
	"SG000105": "偿还表外欠息利息",
	"SG000104": "本金",
	"SG000103": "本金利息",
	"SG000102": "表内欠息",
	"SG000101": "表内欠息利息",
	"SG000100": "表外欠息",
	"S0000068": "融资帐号",
	"CT000060": "还款总额计算有误,请重算",