export default { "SF000209": "Further Handling", "S0000150": "Charges Added", "S0000151": "Total Amount Claimed", "SG000254": "影像编号", "S0000152": "Reimbursing Bank", "S0000153": "Account with Bank", "S0000154": "Beneficiary's Bank", "SG000251": "快递单号", "S0000155": "Narrative (Tag 77A of MT754)", "PD000147": "Advice of Payment", "S0000148": "Document Amount", "S0000149": "Charges Deducted", "SF000053": "Open Amt. L/C", "SF000052": "Export L/C Ref.", "SF000055": "Maturity Date", "CF000208": "Discrepancies modified", "SF000054": "Received on", "SF000057": "Presented on", "SF000178": "Date to be Paid", "SF000211": "Reference", "SF000056": "Presented by", "SF000210": "Payer", "SF000059": "Open Amount", "SF000058": "Applicant", "PD000018": "Overview", "PD000139": "Advice of Discrepancy", "PD000252": "交单单据附件影像", "PD000253": "寄单索款发票影像", "CF000212": "Discrepancies modified", "SF000064": "Document Status", "SG000234": "Less comm.", "SF000063": "Issuing Bank", "SF000066": "Ref.", "SF000065": "Ref.", "S0000245": "编号", "S0000246": "开证行", "S0000247": "编号", "S0000248": "编号", "S0000249": "交单人", "SF000060": "Document Amount", "SF000062": "Document Type", "SF000061": "Bill Set Reference", "S0000140": "Document Amount", "SF000077": "Name", "S0000141": "Charges Deducted", "S0000142": "Charges Added", "CG000293": "有效标识", "S0000143": "Amount to be Paid", "CG000294": "显示在电证报文", "S0000144": "Account with Bank", "CG000295": "文件名", "S0000145": "Discrepancies", "CF000192": "Receive MT 752", "PD000156": "Header Advising Documents", "CF000232": "", "CF000233": "", "CF000198": "...", "CF000196": "...", "S0000193": "Further Identification", "S0000194": "Date of Advice", "CG000287": "发票影像ID", "SG000299": "历史寄单索款发票影像", "CG000288": "发票类型", "SG000298": "新增寄单索款发票影像", "CG000289": "发票号码", "CT000077": "请不要超过60个汉字!", "CG000282": "有效标识", "CT000076": "请不要超过50个汉字", "CG000283": "显示在电证报文", "CG000284": "文件名", "CG000290": "发票代码", "CT000075": "Content of field discrepancies differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !", "CG000291": "未税金额", "CG000292": "开票日期", "CG000279": "发票代码", "CG000275": "获取", "CG000276": "发票影像ID", "CG000277": "发票类型", "S0000240": "兑付方式", "CG000278": "发票号码", "S0000241": "信用证类型", "S0000242": "最迟交单日期/交单地", "S0000243": "开证日期", "S0000244": "摘要", "S0000235": "参考号", "S0000236": "信用证金额", "CG000280": "未税金额", "S0000237": "信用证余额", "CG000281": "开票日期", "S0000238": "申请人", "S0000239": "指定银行", "CG000268": "显示在电证报文", "CG000269": "文件名", "CF000250": "", "CG000264": "影像ID", "CG000265": "影像类型", "CG000266": "影像描述", "CG000267": "有效标识", "CG000260": "显示在电证报文", "SG000274": "影像编号", "CG000261": "文件名", "SG000273": "历史交单单据附件影像", "SG000272": "新增交单单据附件影像", "S0000201": "Discrepancies", "S0000202": "Internal Discrepancies", "PD000001": "SEL EDL", "PD000191": "Subpanel for MT752-Details", "CG000257": "影像类型", "CG000258": "影像描述", "CG000259": "有效标识", "CG000255": "获取", "CG000256": "影像ID", "PD000195": "Discr./Instr.", }