export default { "CT000411": "in $1 FileCreate: Error=$2 $3", "CT000433": "The configured maximum size is exceeded.", "CT000477": "in $1 DBCounter( \"EVT\" ): Error=$2 $3", "CT000432": "\n>E< Error: $1", "CT000476": "Event describing the log file $1 is lost or probably saved later.", "CT000498": "Event describing the log file $1 could not be updated (is probably lost).", "CT000435": "Continued log from $1.\n", "CT000479": "Event describing the log file $1 could not be created.", "CT000412": "The log file name starting with $1 could not be created and the log will be lost.", "CT000434": "The configured time to switch to a new log has been reached.", "CT000478": "Event describing the log file $1 is lost or probably saved later.", "CT000473": "in $1 DBGetSessionNumber: Error=$2 $3", "CT000495": "in $1 DBReadHold(EVT): Error=$2 $3", "CT000472": "Log in $1$2$3", "CT000431": "\n>W< Warning: $1", "CT000475": "in $1 DBInsert(EVT): Error=$2 $3", "CT000497": "in $1 DBUpdate(EVT): Error=$2 $3", "CT000430": "\n>I< Info: $1", "CT000474": "Event describing the log file $1 is lost or probably saved later.", "CT000496": "Event describing the log file $1 could not be read with hold (is probably lost) and could thus not be updated.", "CT000471": "Execution of $1\n$2", "CT000470": "Used Distribution: -e $1", "CT000429": "\n Other: $1", "CT000426": "Continued log. The previous log is archived in $1.\n", "CT000425": "$1The System switched to a new log file.\nLog continued in $2.", "CT000469": "Used Workenvironment: -v $1", "CT000428": "Summary of the flagged entries in the log:", "CT000427": "$1The System switched to a new log file.\nLog continued in an empty $2.", "CT000443": "Idle Transaction canceled by external interrupt.", "CT000468": "Used Distribution: -e $1", "CT000462": "DB Service Name: $1", "CT000461": "Command Line: $1", "CT000442": "Running Transaction canceled by external interrupt.", "CT000464": "$1 - executed by $2 on $3 in foreground.", "CT000463": "$1 - executed by $2 on $3 in background.", "CT000480": "Event describing the log file $1 could not be created.", "CT000460": "$1 / $2 - usage", "CT000482": "in $1 CreateEvtEntry( EVT\SSNINR ): Error=$2 $3", "CT000481": "in $1 CreateEvtEntry( EVT\INR ): Error=$2 $3", }