export default { "SF000369": "申请人编号", "SF000087": "付款人", "S0000076": "此信用证下的到单次数", "S0000078": "交单行", "CT000192": "Release Type has been selected, while goods are not released. \nPlease either enter who has requested the release of goods or delete the data entered into field `Release Type`.", "S0000080": "单据到期日", "PD000091": "Instruction Reply", "S0000081": "交单日期", "S0000082": "到单日期", "PD000093": "Shipping Guarantee", "S0000084": "单据类型", "SG000365": "交易类别", "S0000086": "单据金额", "PD000214": "Advice of 2nd Documents", "CT000160": "docs. presented", "CT000163": "Documents accepted?", "CT000162": "Send and Settle Documents", "CT000139": "Only Usance drafts presented instead of mixed payment.", "CT000136": "Sight draft presented in stead of Usance.", "CT000135": "Partial shipment effected.", "CT000138": "Usance draft presented instead of Sight.", "CT000137": "Only Sight draft presented instead of mixed payment.", "CT000132": "Late shipment.", "CT000134": "The LC is overdrawn by", "CT000133": "Documents presented after expiry of the LC.", "SG000392": "原报文类型", "SG000391": "原发起直接参与机构", "SG000390": "原报文标识号", "CT000174": "Additional amount drawn for $1 $2, remaining open additional amount is only $3 $4!", "CT000173": "Shipping Guarantee expired", "SF000381": "Letter day", "PD000043": "进口信用证项下更换单据到单通知书", "PD000089": "Release of Goods", "PD000046": "单据概况", "CF000382": "Register to Send and Settle Document", "SG000389": "收款行名称", "CT000026": "A selection must be made.", "SG000388": "收款行行号", "SG000387": "通知日期", "CT000187": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on documents received panel is a holiday.", "CT000186": "The maturity date must be later than the presentation date!", "PD000038": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "SG000380": "days", "CT000141": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of usance.", "CT000185": "Either a Maturity period or a Maturity date must be filled in.", "CT000383": "国内信用证来单通知书", "CT000140": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of sight.", "CT000184": "Either a Maturity period or a Maturity date must be filled in.", "CT000382": "国内信用证更换单通知书", "CT000181": "Original", "CT000180": "Original", }