<template> <c-row> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="11"> <c-col :span="24" class="doxpame_top_Description"> <span>{{ getTitle }}</span> </c-col> <c-col> <el-form-item label="" label-width="0px" :prop="`${recgrp}.blk.${ametyp}`" > <c-input type="textarea" v-model="model[recgrp].blk[ametyp]" maxlength="52000" show-word-limit :rows="20" placeholder="请输入Description of Goods" ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="11" :offset="1"> <c-col :span="24" class="doxpame_top_Description"> <span>History Overview</span> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label="" label-width="0px" :prop="`${recgrp}.blk.${ametyp}ame`" > <c-input type="textarea" v-model="model[recgrp].blk[`${ametyp}ame`]" maxlength="52000" show-word-limit :rows="ametyp === 'adlcnd' ? 14 : 17" placeholder="请输入Description of Goods History" ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="24" v-if="ametyp === 'adlcnd'"> <c-col :span="8"> <c-checkbox v-model="model[recgrp].rec.redclsflg" >Red/Green Clause</c-checkbox > </c-col> <c-col :span="16"> <c-checkbox v-model="model[recgrp].rec.spcbenflg" >Special payment conditions for beneficiary exists</c-checkbox > </c-col> <c-col :span="16" :offset="8"> <c-checkbox v-model="model[recgrp].rec.spcrcbflg" >Special Payment Conditions for specified Bank only</c-checkbox > </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-checkbox v-model="model[amep][`${ametyp}amep`].modflg" >Modify Text to Replace</c-checkbox > </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-checkbox v-model="model[amep][`${ametyp}amep`].modmanflg" >Modify field for manual update</c-checkbox > </c-col> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="11"> <c-col :span="24" class="doxpame_top_Description"> <span>Add/Delete Text in current Amendment</span> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label="" label-width="0px" :prop="`${amep}.${ametyp}amep.usrblk`" > <c-input type="textarea" v-model="model[amep][`${ametyp}amep`].usrblk" maxlength="2000" show-word-limit :rows="8" placeholder="请输入Block to enter additional info for Add/Delete" ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="11" :offset="1" class="ame_button"> <c-col :span="24" class="ame_BlkTextarea_button"> <c-button size="small" type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="showGridPromptDialog('letamep.lcrgodame.buttxmsel')" > ... </c-button> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-button size="small" type="primary" @click="onLcrgodamepButdif"> Show Diff </c-button> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-button size="small" type="primary" @click="onLcrgodamepButadd"> Add Text </c-button> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-button size="small" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="onLcrgodamepButdel" > Delete text </c-button> </c-col> </c-col> </c-col> </c-row> </template> <script> import Api from "~/service/Api"; import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess"; export default { inject: ["root"], props: { model: { type: Object, default: undefined, }, codes: { type: Object, default: undefined, }, recgrp: { type: String, default: "", }, //修改字段:如货物lcrgod ametyp: { type: String, default: "", }, }, mixins: [commonProcess], data() { return { amep: `${this.recgrp.substring(0, 2)}tamep`, }; }, methods: { onLcrgodamepButadd() {}, onLcrgodamepButdif() {}, onLcrgodamepButdel() {}, }, computed: { getTitle() { switch (this.ametyp) { case "lcrgod": return "DESCRIPTION OF GOODS"; case "lcrdoc": return "ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS"; case "adlcnd": return "DOCUMENTS REQUIRED"; case "spcben": return "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary"; case "spcrcb": return "Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only"; default: return "title 错误"; } }, }, created: function () {}, }; </script> <style> .doxpame_top_Description { height: 16px; color: #606266; line-height: 16px; font-size: 12px; } .ame_BlkTextarea_button { margin-top: 20px; } .ame_button button { margin-bottom: 10px; } .ame_button button:nth-last-child(1) { margin-left: 10px; } </style>