import Api from "~/service/Api" import Utils from "~/utils/index" export default { async onSeaown() { const that = this.root; that.executeRule("searow").then(res => { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 that.$ =; this.model.trncorco.trnstm =; }) }, async onSeajbh() { const that = this.root; that.executeRule("seajbh").then(res => { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 that.$ =; }) }, async onSeactr() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("seactr") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onSearow() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("searow") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onDsp() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("dsp") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onImgmodNewimg() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_newimg") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onImgmodNewhisimg() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_newhisimg") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onDiaconButdia() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("diacon_butdia") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onImgmodHisimg() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_hisimg") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRelrow() { const that = this that.model.trncorco.selinr.empty = false that.model.trncorco.selinr.rows = => that.model.trncorco.trnstm.rows[idx]) let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("relrow") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 this.$message({ type: 'success', message: 'Release成功!' }); await this.sleep(2000); this.$router.go(0); } else { that.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, sleep (ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve() }, ms) }) }, async onPrinte() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("printe") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onReprow() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("reprow") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRejrow() { console.log(this.getSelectedData()) this.model.trncorco.selinr['rows'] = this.getSelectedData(); let rtnmsg = await"trnrel/rejrow", this.wrapper()) if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 // var cacheFileName =; // let rejrowRtnmsg = await"trncor/init", {params:{"cacheFileName":cacheFileName}}) // if(rejrowRtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS){ // this.$message({ // type: 'success', // message: 'Reject成功!' // }); // await this.sleep(2000); // this.$router.go(0); // } this.$message({ type: 'success', message: 'Reject成功!' }); // await this.sleep(2000); // this.$router.go(0); } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRelcor() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("relcor") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onExi() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("exi") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanDet() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_det") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onSyswrnButshw() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("syswrn_butshw") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanNotmap() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_notmap") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanButspt() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_butspt") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanInc() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_inc") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanButord() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_butord") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onImgmodImage() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("imgmod_image") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onRecpanIncben() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("recpan_incben") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, async onInftxtButtxmsel() { let rtnmsg = await this.executeRule("inftxt_buttxmsel") if (rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS) { //TODO 处理数据逻辑 } else { this.$notify.error({ title: '错误', message: '服务请求失败!' }); } }, onSeainf() { }, display(index, row){ const d =[index] const ds = d.split("\t") let viewurl ="/#/display/"+ds['10'].toLowerCase()+"?trn="+ds['1'], 'newwindow', 'height=1200,width=900,top=100,left=100,toolbar=no,resizable=no,menubar=no,location=no, status=no'); } }