export default { "CG000242": "企业名录", "CT000157": "Contract will be closed although there are still opened subcontracts.", "CT000159": "Contract will be closed though there are still not settled temporary settlement.", "CT000154": "References must neither start or end with / nor contain //.", "SF000200": "Language/Form", "CT000153": "Rerouting executed", "CT000156": "Execution stopped due to timeout", "SF000202": "Copies", "CG000240": "E结算影像", "CT000155": "Reference is not valid for SWIFT as it start or end with / or contains // .\nPlease correct reference with transaction \"Editing References\" before continuing with this transaction.", "SF000201": "Originals", "CG000241": "人行影像", "CT000150": "Canceled by user", "CG000239": "Inc to Ben", "CT000209": "The picking up of the pending item \'$1\' has been canceled.", "CT000206": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000205": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the registered transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000208": "The undeleting of item \'$1\' has been canceled.", "CT000207": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000169": "$1 created at $4 by $5\nis referring to the same incoming message.\nThis pending entry will finally be removed to avoid multiple\nprocessing of the same message.", "CT000202": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.", "CT000168": "New", "CG000232": "影像", "CT000204": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CG000233": "历史影像", "CT000203": "There are changes", "CF000208": "&Redirect", "CT000165": "Contract will be closed though there are still opened entries for this contract in \'Selection of Pending Items\'", "CT000164": "The following transaction(s) wait(s) for workflow completion:\n$1", "CT000167": "New for", "CT000200": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.\n\nPlease check incoming message and maybe delete the message.", "CT000161": "Contract will be closed though there are still charges stored in the pool.\nPlease use transaction Settle Charges to collect outstanding charges under this contract.", "CT000160": "Contract cannot be closed as there are open subcontracts. Please close the subcontracts first.", "CT000163": "Contract cannot be closed because of $1 uncommitted transaction(s) for subcontracts. Check Warning for details.", "CT000162": "Contract will be closed although there are still open diaries. They will be set to \"done\".", "CF000179": "退出", "CF000213": "&Order", "CF000210": "&Load", "CF000178": "暂存", "CF000211": "&Close", "CF000175": "检核", "CT000217": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作 !!!!", "CG000224": "用户确认", "CF000176": "提示信息", "CG000225": "检核", "CT000219": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作 !!!!", "CF000174": "保存", "T0000173": "Buttons and technical functions for business transactions", "CT000213": "请输入开立申请人", "CT000215": "请输入金额", "CT000214": "请输入币种", "CT000211": "Canceled by user", "CT000056": "Diaries for Contract $1", "CF000215": "闭卷", "CT000210": "The entry of \'$1\' has been canceled.", "PD000207": "Chain Transaction", "CF000182": "应用", "CF000183": "打印", "CF000181": "查询", "CF000188": "显示 &Inc.", "CF000189": "&Unmapped", "CT000227": "No errors found on check.", "CF000185": "退出", "CT000229": "Details of address for $1", "SF000198": "Correspondence", "CT000226": "No errors found on check.", "R0000237": "请输入有效中台流水号! \' )", "CT000220": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作 !!!!", "SF000199": "Medium", "CT000221": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作 !!!!", "CF000190": "备忘录", "PD000180": "TRN Add Buttons Lower part", "CT000239": "incoming message", "CT000235": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!", "CT000234": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!", "CT000198": "$1", "CT000231": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!", "CT000230": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!", "CT000233": "到期日 $1 为节假日!", "CT000199": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.", "CT000232": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!", "CT000196": "for", "CT000195": "New", "PD000184": "Info Buttons", "PD000186": "TRN Add Buttons Lower part(Exit)", "PD000187": "Selection Buttons", "CT000008": "Do you really want to store the unmodified transaction \'$1\' as pending transaction?", "RG000224": "请输入受益人\' )", "CT000004": "The undeleting of item \'$1\' has been canceled.", "CT000125": "Transaction to be used for message", "CT000246": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!", "CT000003": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000245": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!", "CT000006": "The entry of \'$1\' has been canceled.", "CT000248": "There are warnings", "CT000005": "The picking up of the pending item \'$1\' has been canceled.", "CT000247": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!", "CT000000": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000242": "请完成黑名单认证流程!", "CT000241": "请重新获取业务编号!", "CT000002": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000123": "selected incoming message", "CT000244": "请完成黑名单认证流程!", "CT000001": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the registered transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?", "CT000122": "incoming message", "CT000243": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!", "PD000214": "Subpanel for CLSFLG", "CT000240": "selected incoming message", "CT000080": "No errors found on check.", "PD000177": "TRN Add Buttons Upper part", "RG000238": "请输入有效中台流水号! \' )", "CT000014": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?", "CT000017": "The new transaction \'$1\' has been stored in the database.", "CT000013": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?", "CT000012": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?", "PD000191": "Buttons middle part", "CT000029": "Unmapped Fields of Incoming Message", "CT000026": "No unmapped fields found", "CT000147": "Check failed during recalculation", "CT000025": "Unmapped Fields of Incoming Message", "CT000146": "Incoming message routed to contract type $1.\nThis transaction handles contracts of type $2 and thus cannot execute.\nPlease reroute incoming message.", "CT000149": "Transaction cannot be locked", "CT000148": "There are warnings", "CT000022": "Please check the following correction message:\n$1", "CT000143": "$1 deleted at $4 by $5\nis referring to the same incoming message.\nThis deleted entry will finally be removed to avoid multiple\nprocessing of the same message.", "CT000021": "Please check the following message for registration $2:\n$1", "CT000145": "Additional pending entries of message found, which are currently locked\nby $1 since $2.\nTransaction cannot execute unless these entries are unlocked.", "CT000023": "Please check the following message for incoming messages:\n$1", "CT000144": "The original transaction was connected to an incoming message.\nYou will now process the incoming message, which was created\nby $5 at $4.", "PD000197": "Header of EOT (8/8 on EOT)", }