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</el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="融资状态" prop="infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" > <c-select v-model="model.infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择是否显示查询码" > <el-option v-for="item in codes.ovdflg" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" > </el-option> </c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="福费廷转卖类型" prop="infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" > <c-select v-model="model.infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择是否显示查询码" > </c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="Forfaiting Type" prop="infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" > <c-select v-model="model.infcon.cxmflg" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请选择是否显示查询码" > <el-option v-for="item in codes.ffttyp" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" > </el-option> </c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="Amount" prop="infcon.seaamtfr" 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</template> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-popover placement="top-start" title="历史信息" width="800" trigger="click" :ref="'popover_' + scope.row.IDX" > <div style=" text-align: right; margin-top: -30px; margin-right: 5px; font-size: 16px; " > <span class="el-icon-close" @click="closeTrn('popover_' + scope.row.IDX)" /> </div> <c-istream-table :list="trnData.data" :columns="trnData.columns"> <el-table-column prop="op" label="操作" width="0"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" @click="display(scope.row['INR'])" > 详情 </c-button> </template> </el-table-column> </c-istream-table> <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" @click="getTrnInfo(scope.$index, scope.row)" slot="reference" > 详情 </c-button> <!-- <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" > 关闭 </c-button> --> </el-popover> <!-- <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" @click="getTrnInfo(scope.$index,scope.row)" > 详情 </c-button> --> <c-button style="margin-left: 0" size="small" 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100', ], data: [], }, }; }, methods: { ...Event, async getButtons(ownref){ this.ownref = ownref this.$refs.childs.initdialog = true console.log("ownref:" +ownref); }, async onChoose(code){ //跳转交易 this.$router.history.push("/business/" + code) this.$refs.childs.initdialog = false } , async getDitSelInfo(code){ //跳转交易 this.$router.history.push("/business/" + code) this.$refs.childs.initdialog = false }, async getTrnInfo(idx, row) { this.model.infcon.objinr = row["INR"]; this.model.bpdgrp.rec.inr = row["INR"]; this.model.infcon.chksubcon = "X"; this.dialogTableVisible = true; let rtnmsg = await this.executeDefault("infcon.chksubcon"); if ((rtnmsg.respCode = SUCCESS)) { this.trnData.data = rtnmsg.data.infcon_trnstm.rows; } }, closeTrn(refId) { this.$refs[refId].doClose(); }, toBptopn() { this.$router.history.push("/business/bptopn"); }, }, created: function () {}, }; </script> <style> </style>