export default { "CT000158": "The Order Date can not be in the future", "CT000235": "$1, executed within 7 days.", "CT000234": "For $1, follow up the accepatnce of discrepancies.", "CT000159": "Sight draft presented in stead of Usance.", "CT000236": "$1, stamping within 14 days.", "CT000032": "Please enter a positive document amount", "CT000233": "$1 due.", "CT000194": "You have selected to send an Advice of Discrepancy. Please enter the discrepancies found.", "CT000193": "Acknowledgment of Documents Received", "CT000152": "Send and settle documents", "CT000195": "You have indicated that substiution documents have already been received for this document set.\n Please either deselect the checkbox `Substitution Documents already at hand` or select another processing option.", "PD000068": "Acknowledgment of Documents", "CT000169": "No more utilisations possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached.", "CT000168": "Late shipment.", "CG000233": "Get Ref", "CT000165": "Partial shipment effected.", "CT000164": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of usance.", "CT000167": "Documents received after expiry of the LC.", "SF000059": "Order Date", "CT000166": "The LC is overdrawn by", "CT000161": "Usance draft presented in stead of Sight.", "CT000160": "Only Sight draft presented instead of mixed payment.", "CT000163": "Mixed payment drafts presented instead of sight.", "CT000162": "Only Usance drafts presented instead of mixed payment.", "CF000052": "", "S0000050": "Document Set Ref.", "S0000051": "Description", "SF000063": "Previous Drawings under this L/C", "S0000053": "Document Type", "S0000054": "Document Amount", "S0000056": "Shipped on", "CT000172": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on doc. received panel is a holiday.", "PD000049": "Documents Received", "CT000171": "The maturity date must be later than the received on date!", "PD000048": "Advice Documents", "CT000170": "Either a Maturity period or a Maturity date must be filled in.", "SF000062": "Presented by", "PD000047": "Advice of Discrepancies", "CF000066": "Substitution Documents already at hand", "CT000108": "Docs received from 1st Beneficiary?", "CF000064": "Enter Docs, Discrep. and Instructions", "S0000060": "Maturity Period", "S0000061": "Maturity Date", "CT000146": "docs. presented", "PD000038": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "S0000058": "Received on (2nd Ben)", "CT000182": "Receive Documents from 1st Ben.", "CT000184": "Document type not allowed", "CT000181": "The Receiving Date can not be in the future", }