export default {
	"CT000958": "Limit",
	"CT000957": "Guarantee text",
	"CT000959": "Advanced text",
	"CT000954": "Fee Condition",
	"SF000846": "Advanced Text",
	"CT000953": "Mailing Instruction",
	"SF000845": "Guarantee Text",
	"CT000956": "Routing Information",
	"CT000955": "Authentication of Address",
	"CT000952": "Contact Person",
	"CT000951": "Account",
	"CF000838": "Close",
	"PD000825": "Mailing Instructions",
	"CF000839": "Close",
	"CF000840": "Close",
	"PD000094": "Customer Reference",
	"PD000093": "Reference",
	"CF000848": "Close",
	"CF000846": "Close",
	"CF000843": "Close",
	"CF000841": "Close",
	"CF000842": "Close",
	"PD000655": "Authentication of Address",
	"PD000096": "Database Adress sub panel",
	"SF000849": "Limit Information",
	"CF000850": "Close",
	"SF000589": "Accounts Defined",
	"S0000090": "External Account",
	"S0000091": "All Infotexts of Party",
	"S0000095": "Reference:",
	"S0000097": "Database Address",
	"SF000584": "Contact Persons",
	"CF000698": "Info",
	"PD000845": "Advanced  Text",
	"PD000844": "Guarantee Text Definition",
	"PD000044": "Accounts",
	"CF000101": "Mo&dify",
	"CT000107": "The selected record is currently locked by $1 since $2 $3 and cannot be modified. Please try later",
	"CT000106": "Do you want to save your input in the database?",
	"CT000109": "Party Details of $1",
	"CT000108": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000103": "address",
	"CT000069": "Details",
	"CT000104": "Modify infotext(s) of $1, Party $2",
	"PD000828": "Routing Information",
	"CT000101": "Do you want to exit without saving your input?",
	"PD000038": "Contacts",
	"SF000590": "Total Number of Accounts",
	"SF000072": "Type",
	"CF000073": "&Save",
	"CT000914": "",
	"CF000078": "Addressing",
	"CF000079": "Authentication",
	"CT000915": "",
	"CT000118": "Details",
	"CF000077": "Corr. Type",
	"CT000117": "Temp.",
	"CF000074": "&Cancel",
	"CT000119": "Temp.",
	"CT000114": "Do you want to save your input in the database?",
	"CT000116": "Insert tmp address failed! errorcode = $1",
	"CT000115": "Name",
	"CT000077": "Do you want to exit without saving your input?",
	"CT000110": "The selected record is currently locked by $1 since $2 $3 and cannot be modified. Please try later",
	"SF000002": "Fee Conditions",
	"CT000076": "Create temporary $1",
	"CT000079": "Temp.",
	"CT000078": "Do you want to exit without creating the temporary address?",
	"CT000111": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"S0000102": "infotexts",
	"CT000075": "address",
	"CT000074": "Do you want to create the address as temporary address in the database?",
	"SF000082": "Authentication of Address",
	"CT000071": "DB Adr",
	"CF000084": "&Cancel",
	"CF000080": "Public Key",
	"CF000085": "&Save",
	"T0000064": "Functions for Address Handling",
	"S0000087": "Role of address",
	"CT000121": "Priority",
	"CT000087": "Address (ADR) for $1 lost. Please contact your system administrator to reinstall the address (ADR) via transaction \'Contract Maintenance (CONCHG)\'",
	"S0000088": "Address",
	"CT000120": "DB Adr",
	"S0000089": "Default Account",
	"CT000123": "Type of Text",
	"CT000122": "External Key",
	"CT000086": "Address (PTA) for $1 lost. Please contact your system administrator to reinstall the address (PTA) via transaction \'Contract Maintenance (CONCHG)\'",
	"CT000080": "Temp.",
	"CT000081": "Receiver of message:",
	"CF000092": "",
	"CF000098": "Use in contract",
	"CF000099": "&Modify",
	"PD000083": "Info- and Stoptext",
	"SF000826": "Mailing Instructions",
	"SF000663": "Authentication of Address",
	"CT000095": "Do you want to update this temporary address in the database?",
	"CT000096": "Modify temporary $1",
	"CT000091": "This field is mandatory",
	"PD000086": "Party Details",
	"PD000001": "Condition",
	"PD000000": "Create Temporary Address",
	"CF000669": "Public key",
	"CF000667": "Address of Message",
	"CF000668": "Authenticator",
	"S0000100": "address",
	"CF000666": "Corr.Type",
	"SF000829": "Routing Information for Incoming Messages Without Associated Contract",