export default {
	"C0000019": "Description",
	"C0000018": "Our Reference",
	"CT000033": "催收提示:$1",
	"C0000014": "Get Swt",
	"CT000035": ",",
	"CT000034": "",
	"PD000027": "粤港票据交换清单",
	"CT000072": "请重新获取业务编号!",
	"CT000008": "please select Payemnt Disposition",
	"CT000009": "please select currency code",
	"CT000003": "batch amount",
	"C0000007": "Payment Disposition",
	"R0000013": "\" + CCDGRP\\REC\\RPTBTCHNO + \"\' and CLSDAT is null and MODSET = \'2\'\"",
	"PD000057": "Account",
	"CT000018": "please select check type",
	"CT000015": "nothing found",
	"CT000017": "$1 records found",
	"CT000016": "no record found",
	"CT000011": "no record found",
	"S0000010": "Register Ref.",
	"CT000010": "nothing found",
	"S0000011": "Item Count",
	"S0000012": "Actual Items",
	"CT000012": "$1 records found",
	"S0000013": "Collection Bank",
	"S0000003": "Batch No.",
	"S0000004": "Value Date",
	"S0000005": "Date",
	"S0000008": "currency",
	"S0000009": "AMOUNT",
	"PD000001": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000002": "select",
	"S0000060": "Settlement Instructions",
	"S0000064": "Name",
	"CT000022": "batch no already exist!",
	"C0000026": "Search All",
	"CT000021": "please enter the date",
	"C0000025": "Search",
	"CT000068": "Select record to process",
	"CT000023": "please enter the date",
	"C0000022": "cur",
	"S0000058": "Credit to Account",
	"C0000021": "Check Number",
	"S0000015": "Collection Method",
	"S0000059": "A/C NO.",
	"C0000024": "Select",
	"S0000016": "COLL BANK REF",
	"C0000023": "Amount",
	"C0000062": "MODIFY",
	"C0000061": "...",
	"C0000020": "Presenter",
	"C0000063": "Get Ref",