export default {
	"CT000154": "Bank to Customer Info",
	"CT000273": "Goods Code",
	"CT000152": "Details to Charges (:71B:)",
	"CT000272": "分行名称",
	"CT000030": "Reference",
	"CT000151": "Presentation Period",
	"CT000209": "Amendment Date",
	"CT000206": "Open Amount",
	"CT000205": "Cur",
	"CT000208": "Advised Shipments",
	"CT000207": "Expired",
	"CT000168": "Instructions to Paying, Accepting, Negotiating Bank",
	"CT000204": "L/C Amount",
	"CT000203": "Cur",
	"CT000165": "Desription of Goods",
	"CT000164": "Own Charges Borne",
	"CT000200": "Beneficiary",
	"CT000167": "Additional Conditions",
	"CT000166": "Documents Required",
	"CT000163": "Drafts at",
	"CT000217": "Back-to-Back Maximum Amount",
	"CT000216": "Back-to-Back Name",
	"CT000219": "Creation Date",
	"CT000213": "Applicable Rules RMB",
	"CT000179": "Charges Definition",
	"CT000212": "Other Applicable Rules",
	"CT000215": "Back-to-Back Reference",
	"CT000176": "Reimbursement Details",
	"CT000178": "Account Identfication",
	"CT000211": "Applicable Rules",
	"CT000177": "Selected Account",
	"CT000210": "Amend. No Received",
	"CT000170": "Red/Green Clause",
	"CF000102": "&Loginfo",
	"CT000220": "Closed on",
	"CT000222": "Air-/Port of Destination",
	"CT000221": "Air-/Port of Departure",
	"CT000180": "Other Charges",
	"SF000008": "Confirmation Status",
	"CT000117": "in",
	"CT000238": "Revolving Type",
	"CT000114": "Latest Shipment Date",
	"CT000113": "Date Pre-Advised",
	"CT000116": "Expiring on",
	"CT000237": "Reserved Contract",
	"CT000077": "Beneficiary",
	"CT000198": "Applicant",
	"CT000076": "Party Number",
	"CT000197": "Party Number",
	"CT000079": "Expired",
	"CT000112": "Issued on",
	"CT000078": "Opened",
	"CT000199": "Party Number",
	"CT000073": "Reference",
	"CT000194": "Reference",
	"CT000075": "Applicant",
	"CT000196": "Closed",
	"CT000074": "Party Number",
	"CT000195": "Opened",
	"PD000101": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction",
	"CT000129": "Revolving L/C?",
	"CT000128": "Additional Addresses?",
	"CT000246": "Revolving Clause",
	"CT000124": "Shipment Period",
	"CT000245": "Awaiting Applicant´s Request",
	"CT000127": "Reimbursement Information?",
	"SF000010": "Form of L/C",
	"CT000126": "Confirmation Status",
	"CT000247": "Notes to Applicant",
	"SG000164": "Goods Code",
	"CT000088": "Responsible User",
	"CT000121": "Transshipment",
	"CT000242": "Revolve Times",
	"CT000087": "Name",
	"CT000120": "Partial Shipment",
	"CT000241": "Cumulative",
	"CT000123": "For Transportation to",
	"CT000244": "Next Revolve Date",
	"CT000122": "Shipment from",
	"CT000243": "Revolving Count",
	"CT000083": "Open Amount",
	"CT000086": "Cur",
	"CT000085": "Closed",
	"CT000080": "Cur",
	"CT000081": "L/C Amount",
	"CT000136": "Additional Amount",
	"CT000257": "Historic overview of narratives",
	"CT000256": "Current Content of Tag 79",
	"CT000259": "Description of Goods (History of Amendment)",
	"CT000258": "Historic Overview",
	"CT000253": "Additional  Conditions (History of Amendment)",
	"CT000098": "Amount Specification",
	"CT000131": "No",
	"CT000252": "Amounts Covered",
	"CT000255": "Current Content of Tag 72",
	"PD000005": "Print",
	"CT000094": "Maximum Amount",
	"CT000097": "Form of L/C",
	"CT000251": "Document Sets received",
	"PD000006": "Selection",
	"CT000096": "Amount Tolerance +/-",
	"CT000093": "Nominal Amount",
	"CT000268": "PTA NO.",
	"CT000267": "Applicant CN",
	"CT000149": "Good\'s Code",
	"CT000269": "Advising Bank BIC",
	"CT000148": "Country Code",
	"CT000264": "Tenor day",
	"CT000143": "Mixed Payment Details",
	"CT000142": "Defered Payment Details",
	"CT000260": "Documents Required (History of Amendment)",
	"CT000141": "Available by",
	"CT000261": "Resp. User",
	"CT000140": "Available with",