export default {
	"CT000319": "Main Party",
	"CT000316": "Entity",
	"CT000315": "Sector",
	"CT000318": "Country",
	"CT000317": "Region",
	"CT000312": "There is already a fee condition for the region $1.",
	"CF000319": "Split",
	"SF000284": "Amount",
	"CT000158": "Calc. Base",
	"CT000311": "The region has to be specified.",
	"CT000314": "There is already a fee condition for the country $1.",
	"SF000286": "-",
	"CT000313": "The country has to be specified.",
	"CT000159": "Minimum",
	"CF000315": "",
	"CT000310": "Group under",
	"CT000271": "party",
	"CT000270": "default",
	"PD000700": "Infotext",
	"CT000327": "The party has to be specified.",
	"CT000326": "Party Name",
	"CF000283": "",
	"CT000328": "There is already a fee condition for the party with the extkey $1.",
	"CT000323": "Region Name",
	"CT000202": "Minimum Period",
	"CT000322": "Entity Name",
	"CT000201": "Calculation Period",
	"CT000325": "Group Name",
	"CT000204": "From Period / Rate",
	"CT000324": "Country Name",
	"CT000203": "Rates to apply per Period Tier",
	"CT000165": "Rate Currency",
	"CT000164": "Rate Code",
	"CT000321": "Business Sector",
	"CT000167": "Defaulting",
	"CT000200": "To",
	"CT000320": "Party",
	"CT000166": "Changes Allowed",
	"CT000161": "Maximum",
	"CT000160": "Maximum. Code",
	"CT000163": "Calculation Rule",
	"CT000162": "Calculation Code",
	"SF000469": "Fee Text",
	"CT000217": "Maximum for ... Period(s)",
	"CT000216": "Minimum for ... Period(s)",
	"CT000219": "Base Amount",
	"CT000218": "Valid for ... Period(s)",
	"S0000490": "Date",
	"CT000333": "End.Dat.",
	"S0000491": "-",
	"CT000215": "Calculation Period",
	"CT000214": "Period Type",
	"CT000175": "Minimum Code",
	"CT000332": "Beg.Dat.",
	"PD000321": "Scale",
	"CT000228": "Rate Type",
	"CT000349": "Periodic Tier 3",
	"CT000227": "Settlement Period",
	"CT000348": "Periodic Tier 2",
	"CT000229": "For Increase",
	"CT000345": "$2",
	"CT000344": "$2 $1",
	"CT000105": "Current selected condition:",
	"CT000347": "Type of Tier",
	"CT000341": "$2 $1",
	"CT000220": "Periods  Rate  Minimum",
	"CT000340": "$2 $1",
	"CT000068": "The fee code has to be specified.",
	"CT000343": "$2 $1",
	"CT000342": "$2 $1",
	"CT000100": "default",
	"PD000271": "List Conditions",
	"PD000278": "Conditions",
	"CF000470": "",
	"T0000472": "Panel for Fee Conditions",
	"CT000231": "In Advance",
	"CT000230": "Total Minimum",
	"CT000233": "Tier 3",
	"CT000199": "From",
	"CT000232": "Tier 2",
	"CT000193": "Version",
	"CT000070": "There is already a default condition for the fee $1.",
	"CF000486": "",
	"CT000249": "High Amount",
	"CT000246": "Cond.",
	"CT000248": "Low Amount",
	"CT000247": "Name",
	"CT000089": "Feecode",
	"CT000085": "The currencies for minimum and maximum have to be the same. Please correct.",
	"CF000494": "Del.",
	"CF000492": "Split",
	"CF000493": "Del.",
	"CT000256": "Rate",
	"SF000384": "Fee Conditions",
	"CT000098": "group",
	"CT000255": "Fixamt",
	"CT000254": "Calcul. Rule",
	"CT000095": "Fee is used in total by the following condition(s)",
	"CT000097": "city",
	"CT000096": "region",
	"CT000309": "Entity",
	"SF000314": "Condition",
	"CT000308": "Sector",
	"CT000305": "Country",
	"CT000304": "Region",
	"CT000307": "/",
	"CT000306": "Party",
	"CT000268": "sector",
	"CT000303": "Default",
	"CT000269": "entity",
	"SF000279": "Fee Code",