<template> <div class="eibs-tab"> <c-list-search @form-reset="handleReset('paramsForm')" @form-search="handleSearch" > <template v-slot="searchSlot"> <el-form class="m-table-search-form" ref="paramsForm" :inline="true" label-position="left" label-width="110px" size="small" :model="model" > <el-row> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="Own Reference" prop="infcon.seaownref" style="width: 100%" > <c-input v-model="model.infcon.seaownref" maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入Own Reference" ></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="8"> <el-form-item label="Opening Date" prop="infcon.opndatfrom" style="width: 100%" > <c-col :span="11"> <c-date-picker type="date" v-model="model.infcon.opndatfrom" placeholder="请选择Opening between" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" style="width: 100%" ></c-date-picker> </c-col> <c-col :span="2" style="text-align: center"> <label style="display: inline-block; width: 100%">-</label> </c-col> <c-col :span="11"> <c-date-picker type="date" 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@click="getButtons(scope.row['Reference'])" > 处理 </c-button> </template> </el-table-column> </c-istream-table> </c-col> <m-busbtn ref="childs" :ownref="ownref" trnCode="letsel" ownrefPath="ledgrp" :model="letselModel" @onChoose="onChoose" >11</m-busbtn > </div> </template> <script> import Utils from "~/utils/index"; import Api from "~/service/Api"; import commonProcess from "~/mixin/commonProcess"; import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"; import Event from "~/model/Infled/Event"; import LetselModel from "~/model/Letsel"; import BusNavbar from "~/views/Public/BusNavbar"; export default { inject: ["root"], props: ["model", "codes"], mixins: [commonProcess], components: { "m-busbtn": BusNavbar }, data() { return { letselModel: new LetselModel().data, curinr: "", ownref: "", dialogTableVisible: false, trnData: { columns: [ '0 7 "Trn ID" 100', '1 1 "Transaction Name" 250', '2 2 "Entry" 100 4 7', // '3 3 \"Status\" 80 1 0 1 RELSTA', { index: 3, position: 3, width: 100, pattern: "code", label: "Status", code: this.codes.relstaEN, }, '4 4 "Cur." 80', '5 5 "Relevant Amount" 150 2 8 1 4', '6 6 "Signed" 100', // '1 1 "编号" 200', // '2 2 "交易名称" 120', // // '3 3 "日期" 200', // { index: 3, position: 3, width: 110, pattern: "date", label: "日期" }, // // '4 4 "状态" 50', // { // index: 4, // position: 4, // width: 100, // pattern: "code", // label: "状态", // code: this.codes.relstaEN, // }, // '5 5 "币种" 80', // '6 6 "金额" 110', ], data: [], }, stmData: { columns: [ '1 1 "Reference" 150', '2 2 "Resp. User" 150', '3 3 "Tenor day" 150', '4 14 "Expired" 150', '5 13 "Opened" 150', '6 15 "Closed" 150', '7 12 "分行名称" 150', '8 4 "Applicant Party Number" 200', '9 5 "Applicant" 150', '10 6 "PTA NO." 150', '11 7 "Beneficiary Party Number" 200', '12 8 "Beneficiary" 150', '13 9 "Beneficiary CN" 150', '14 10 "Issuing Party Number" 200', '15 11 "Issuing Bank" 150', '16 16 "cur" 150', '17 18 "L/C Amount" 150', '18 17 "cur" 150', '19 19 "Open Amount" 150', // '1 1 \"Reference\" 105', // '2 2 \"Resp. User\" 105', // '3 3 \"Tenor day\" 105 0', // '7 4 \"Party Number\" 500 4 7', // '5 14 \"Expired\" 500 4 7', // '6 15 \"Closed\" 500 4 7', // '14 11 \"Issuing Bank\" 136', // '8 5 \"Applicant\" 410', // '9 6 \"PTA NO.\" 136', // '10 7 \"Party Number\" 100', // '11 8 \"Beneficiary\" 410', // '12 9 \"Beneficiary CN\" 136', // '13 10 \"Party Number\" 136', // '6 12 \"分行名称\" 410', // '4 13 \"Opened\" 136', // '15 16 \"cur\" 410', // '17 17 \"cur\" 508 2 8 1 16', // '16 18 \"L/C Amount\" 410', // '18 19 \"Open Amount\" 508 2 8 1 18', // '1 1 \"Reference\" 105', // '2 2 \"Resp. 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User" 100', // '3 3 "Tenor day" 100 ', // '4 4 "Goods Code" 100 ', // '5 13 "Opened" 500 4 7', // '6 14 "Expired" 500 4 7', // '7 15 "Closed" 500 4 7', // '8 17 "分行名称" 136', // '9 16 "PTA NO." 410', // '10 5 "Party Number" 191', // '11 8 "Applicant" 191', // '12 9 "Applicant CN" 191', // '13 11 "Advising Bank BIC" 165', // '14 10 "Party Number" 165', // '15 12 "Beneficiary" 165', // '16 6 "Cur" 80', // '17 7 "L/C Amount" 110 2 8 1 16', // '18 18 "Cur" 410', // '19 19 "Open Amount" 110 2 8 1 18', // '1 1 "Reference" 130 200', // "2 2 \"经办柜员\" 90 80", // "5 5 \"开立日期\" 180 300", // "6 6 \"到期日\" 180 250", // "8 7 \"分行名称\" 150 300", // "9 8 \"申请人编号\" 150 200", // "11 9 \"申请人名称\" 150 300", // "15 10 \"受益人名称\" 150 300", // "16 3 \"开立币种\" 90 80", // "17 4 \"开立金额\" 90 80", ], data: [], }, // columns:[ // ] }; }, methods: { ...Event, async getButtons(ownref) { this.ownref = ownref; this.$refs.childs.initdialog = true; console.log("ownref:" + ownref); }, async onChoose(code) { //跳转交易 this.$router.history.push("/business/" + code); this.$refs.childs.initdialog = false; }, async getDitSelInfo(code) { //跳转交易 this.$router.history.push("/business/" + code); this.$refs.childs.initdialog = false; }, async getTrnInfo(idx, row) { this.model.infcon.objinr = row["INR"]; this.model.ledgrp.rec.inr = row["INR"]; this.model.infcon.chksubcon = "X"; this.dialogTableVisible = true; let rtnmsg = await this.executeDefault("infcon.chksubcon"); if ((rtnmsg.respCode = SUCCESS)) { this.trnData.data = rtnmsg.data.infcon_trnstm.rows; } }, closeTrn(refId) { this.$refs[refId].doClose(); }, toLetnot() { this.$router.history.push("/business/letnot"); }, toLetopn() { this.$router.history.push("/business/letopn"); }, toLetdrw() { this.$router.history.push("/business/letdrw"); }, toLetrsv() { this.$router.history.push("/business/letrsv"); }, // handleReset: function () { // this.model = { // instNo: "", // instName: "", // }; // }, }, created: function () {}, }; </script> <style></style>