export default {
	"SF000204": "Applicant          Ref.",
	"SF000203": "Form of L/C",
	"SF000206": "Beneficiary       Ref.",
	"SF000205": "Issuer                Ref.",
	"SF000208": "Nominal Amount",
	"SF000207": "Name",
	"SF000328": "Revolving Type",
	"CF000393": "...",
	"CG000402": "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary",
	"S0000390": "Maximum Tenor",
	"SF000209": "Amount Tolerance +/-",
	"CF000394": "...",
	"S0000391": "Days",
	"CF000316": "This is a Preadvice",
	"SF000202": "Reference",
	"PD000422": "Special Paymt Cond. Bank only",
	"SF000215": "Released on",
	"SF000214": "Shipment Date",
	"SF000217": "Expiring on",
	"SF000218": "in (Place)/ counters of",
	"CT000048": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"CT000047": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"CT000049": "Please enter the reference number!",
	"SF000211": "Maximum Amount",
	"SF000299": "Total Open Amount of all Transfer and Back-to-Back L/C",
	"CT000044": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"SF000210": "Amount Specification",
	"SF000298": "Transfer L/C and Back-to-Back L/C 's using this Export L/C",
	"CT000043": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"SF000213": "Date Pre-advised",
	"CT000046": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Drafts at\\Drawee\'.",
	"S0000321": "Revolving Count",
	"SF000212": "Issued on",
	"CT000042": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\', \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"PD000017": "Overview",
	"CF000333": "...",
	"CF000332": "Cumulative",
	"CT000059": "swift code",
	"CT000058": "联行信息",
	"CF000339": "Add. Amount",
	"SF000220": "Confirmation Instruct.",
	"SF000222": "Responsible User",
	"SF000343": "Received",
	"CF000337": "",
	"CT000055": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"SF000342": "Confirm. Instruct.",
	"CT000054": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CF000335": "Revolving L/C",
	"SF000345": "1st Advising Bank",
	"CT000057": "无匹配记录",
	"SF000344": "to 2nd Adv. Bank",
	"CT000056": "联行信息",
	"CT000053": "联行名称",
	"CT000052": "联行行号",
	"PD000042": "Parties",
	"SF000238": "Ref.",
	"SF000230": "Reimbursement Bank",
	"SF000233": "2nd Advising Bank",
	"CT000066": "对手行信息",
	"CF000228": "Send Directly",
	"CT000065": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000062": "至少输入4个字符",
	"CT000061": "name2",
	"CT000064": "对手行信息",
	"CT000063": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"PD000317": "Revolving Details",
	"CT000060": "name1",
	"PD000394": "Special Paymt Cond. Beneficiary",
	"CF000356": "Reserved Contract",
	"SF000247": "Ref.",
	"CF000199": "",
	"CF000353": "Red/Green Clause",
	"SF000404": "Ref.",
	"SF000249": "Description of Goods",
	"SF000405": "Confirmation  Bank",
	"PD000060": "Additional Conditions",
	"SF000240": "Ref.",
	"CF000359": "Incoming Transfer",
	"CT000077": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'$1\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"CT000076": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'$1\', \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"CF000478": "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary",
	"CT000079": "Are you sure you want to delete the entered Revolving Details?",
	"SF000245": "Applicant's Bank",
	"CT000078": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'$1\' or \'Drafts at\\Drawee\'.",
	"CF000479": "Special Payment Conditions for Bank only",
	"CT000073": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"CT000072": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"CT000075": "Deferred Payment Details",
	"CT000074": "Negotiation / Deferred Payment Details",
	"CT000071": "Field content to long for current SWIFT version. Content has more than 100 lines.",
	"PD000063": "Details",
	"SF000259": "Payment Details",
	"SF000379": "Air-/Port of Departure",
	"CF000481": "...",
	"RG000069": "ADR\' and pta.objinr=adr.inr and ptytyp=\'B\' AND PTA.OBJTYP = \'ADR\' AND PTA.ETGEXTKEY = \'CEBGRP\'  and ( (PTA.NAM like \'%\" + LEDGRP\\REC\\OPPBNK + \"%\' OR PTA.BIC like \'%\" + LEDGRP\\REC\\OPPBNK + \"%\' ) AND (PTA.ADRSTA = \' \' OR PTA.ADRSTA IS NULL) ) order by PTA.NAM \"",
	"CT000009": "Transfers and/or Back-to-Back L/C`s have been issued for more than the open amount of the export L/C of $1 $2.",
	"SF000251": "Documents Required",
	"SF000372": "Applicable Rules",
	"CG000397": "...",
	"SF000374": "Goods Code",
	"SF000376": "Final Destination",
	"SF000255": "Instructions to Pay.,",
	"CG000392": "Get Ref",
	"SF000375": "Dispatch from",
	"SF000254": "Additional Conditions",
	"CF000248": "...",
	"SF000256": "Accept., Negot. Bank",
	"CT000084": "A Standby L/C option is selected. Electronic messages formats may not allow Standby L/C messages to be generated under letter of credits anymore. Affected messages will be generated as auto converted free format messages.",
	"CT000083": "Cannot split message. Too many message",
	"CT000082": "Please fill in the Negotiation / Deferred payment details when advising further via SWIFT!",
	"PD000172": "Transfers and Back-to-Back L/C",
	"PD000055": "Goods",
	"PD000057": "Documents",
	"SF000303": "Ref.",
	"SF000424": "for Bank only",
	"CF000257": "...",
	"SF000269": "Country or region Code",
	"SF000423": "Special Payment Cond.",
	"CG000389": "Authorization to Debit",
	"CT000018": "The contract cannot be confirmed by more than 100%.",
	"CF000253": "...",
	"CF000250": "...",
	"SF000262": "Mixed Payment",
	"SF000383": "Partial Shipment",
	"SF000261": "Additional Details to Charges",
	"CT000014": "Please enter the Revolve Date.",
	"SG000398": "for Beneficiaryl",
	"SF000264": "Available by",
	"SF000385": "Shipment Date",
	"SF000263": "Shipment Period",
	"SF000384": "Transhipment",
	"CT000016": "The passed User $1 is not available.",
	"CG000388": "Test Key Unconfirmity",
	"SG000396": "Special Payment Cond.",
	"SF000266": "Drafts at",
	"SF000265": "Available with",
	"SF000386": "Expiry Date",
	"CT000010": "The shipping date ($1) of the Back-to-Back or transferred L/C ($2) is later than the one of the export L/C ($3).",
	"CF000258": "...",
	"SF000268": "Presentation Period",
	"SF000301": "This Export L/C",
	"CT000013": "An opening date in the future is not allowed",
	"S0000322": "Revolve Times",
	"S0000323": "Next Revolve Date",
	"S0000325": "Notes to Beneficiary",
	"S0000327": "Revolving Details",
	"SF000260": "Drawee",
	"SF000381": "Other Applicable Rules",
	"SF000380": "Air-/Port of Destination",
	"CT000029": "Please fill in the deferred payment details when advising further via SWIFT!",
	"CF000382": "Non-Bank Issuer",
	"CF000308": "Collateralized L/C",
	"CT000028": "L/Cs underlying UCP Latest Version should not be defined as Revocable LCs!",
	"CT000024": "Please fill in details to the applicable rules",
	"S0000334": "Revolving Clause",
	"SF000271": "Charges Condition",