export default { "CG002029": "保函修改面函模版", "CT000037": "The new liability date must be in the future.", "CT000039": "Send Amendment to", "SF002065": "Amended Amount", "CG002027": "拒绝此次修改", "CT000038": "The liability date has to be later than the validity date", "CT000032": "\'Charges condition\' has been amended to \'$1\'", "CT000031": "UNLIMITED", "CT000030": "Do you really want to discard your changes in the text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost", "CT002108": "The transfer conditions have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002109": "The \"Standard Wording required\" has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000048": "UNLIMITED", "CT002106": "The demand indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002107": "The transfer indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002104": "The charges have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000049": "The amount cannot get negative", "CT002105": "The governing law/place has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002102": "The additional amount information has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002103": "The presentation instructions has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002100": "The obligor has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002101": "The issuing bank has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000040": "Send Request to", "CF002073": "", "PD002031": "Amendment", "CF002079": "Choose Full Text", "CF002078": "Create Amendment Message", "CT002119": "The tender closing date has been set to $1.", "CF002077": "Amendments modified", "CF002076": "Add. Amount", "CT002117": "The $2 has been set to $1.", "CT002118": "The contract reference has been set to $1.", "SF002087": "Amended", "SF002088": "Amendments", "CT002113": "The auto-extension notification period has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002114": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002111": "The automatic extension period has been changed from $1 $2 $3 to $4 $5 6.", "CT002112": "The non-extension notification has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000051": "Please enter an amendment number", "CT002110": "The requested language has been changed from $1 to $2.", "SF002085": "Old Guarantee Amt.", "SF002086": "Guarantee Amount", "SF002083": "Reference", "SF002084": "Amendment Date", "CF002081": "Agreement of Beneficiary Required", "CF002080": "Close Claim", "CT002128": "The additional info has been set to $1.", "CT002129": "The form of undertaking has been set to $1.", "CT002126": "The tender reference has been set to $1.", "CT002127": "The tender date has been set to $1.", "CT002124": "The governing law has been set to $1.", "CT002125": "The place of jurisdiction has been set to $1.", "CT002122": "The contract place has been set to $1.", "CT002123": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been set to $1.", "CT002120": "The original rate has been set to $1.", "CT001152": "of our amendment", "CT002121": "The contract amount has been set to $1 $2.", "SF002093": "Actual Amendment No", "CT001151": "thereof", "SF002096": "Amend. No Receiv.", "SF002097": "Create Autoregistration for", "SF002094": "Order from", "PD002059": "Seq. C: Amendment", "CF002133": "Send Amendment Acceptance Response", "CT002018": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.", "CT002139": "The presentation instructions have been set to $1.", "CT002019": "The amount may not be smaller than the original additional amount.", "CT002137": "The additional amount information has been set to $1.", "CT002138": "Charges have been set to $1.", "CT002135": "The advising bank reference has been set to $1.", "CT002136": "The second advising bank has been set to $1.", "CT002133": "The obligor has been set to $1.", "CT002134": "The advising bank has been set to $1.", "SF002147": "Add. Amount Covered", "CT002132": "The applicant has been set to $1.", "CF002141": "Additional Amount", "CF002149": "...", "CF002148": "...", "CT002029": "金额不能小于原始开立金额", "SF002155": "New Liability", "SF002156": "Inc. Purpose of amend.", "CT002148": "The demand indicator has been set to $1.", "SF002153": "Old Liability Condition", "CT002027": "此交易没有做过修改!!!", "CT002149": "The transfer indicator has been set to $1.", "SF002154": "New Liability Type", "CT002028": "您拒绝了交易$1的第$2次修改,请手工将此次修改的内容复原!!!", "CT002146": "The auto-extension notification period has been set to $1.", "CT002025": "备注", "CT002026": "Guarantee is amended as follows:", "CT002147": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been set to $1.", "CT002144": "<empty>", "SF002157": "New Liability Condition", "CT002023": "减额金额", "CT002145": "The non-extension notification has been set to $1.", "CT002024": "修改日期", "CT002142": "<empty>", "CT002021": "Own Reference", "CT002143": "<empty>", "CT002022": "Cur", "CT002140": "The confirmation instructions have been set to $1.", "CT002141": "The confirmation party has been set to $1.", "CT002020": "", "SF002151": "Old Liability Type", "SF002152": "Old Liability", "CF002159": "Allow *", "CF002158": "Allow *", "CF002157": "Amendments modified", "CT002038": "金额不能改小", "CT002159": "The tender closing date has been set to $1.", "CT002039": "The undertaking is changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002036": "The following goods are now covered: $1", "CT002157": "The $2 has changed set to $1.", "CT002037": "The $2 has changed from $3 to $1.", "CT002158": "The contract reference has been set to $1.", "CT002034": "Liability Approval for Amendment", "CT002155": "The additional amount has been set to $1 $2.", "CT002035": "The undertaking amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002032": "金额不能改小", "CT002153": "The undertaking type is set to $1.", "SG002020": "第", "CT002033": "Request of Amendment", "SG002021": "次修改", "CT002151": "<empty>", "SG002022": "修改金额", "CT002152": "<empty>", "SG002024": "修改日期", "CT002150": "The transfer conditions have been set to $1.", "SG002028": "备注 R=接受, J=拒绝, I=增额修改, D=减额修改", "PD000000": "Amendment", "S0000062": "Amounts Covered", "CT002049": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002047": "The contract place has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002168": "The tender date has been set to $1.", "CT002048": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002169": "The additional info has been set to $1.", "CT002045": "The original rate has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002166": "The place of jurisdiction has been set to $1.", "CT002046": "The contract amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002167": "The tender reference has been set to $1.", "CT002043": "The contract reference has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002164": "The governing law has been set to $1.", "CT002044": "The tender closing date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002165": "The governing law has been set to $1.", "SG002032": "面函标题", "CT002041": "The expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002162": "The contract place has been set to $1.", "SG002033": "变更次数", "CT002042": "The validity of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.", "CT002163": "The account for advanced payment undertaking has been set to $1.", "SG002034": "核销日期", "CT002160": "The original rate has been set to $1.", "CT002040": "Request for extension of the undertaking accepted.", "CT002161": "The contract amount has been set to $1 $2.", "SF002108": "Old Expiry Type", "SF002109": "Old Expiry Condition", "SF002106": "New Expiry Type", "SF002107": "New Expiry Condition", "SF002100": "Reason for Reduce / Discharge", "SF002101": "Additional Amount Covered", "S0000030": "Old Guarantee Amt.", "S0000031": "Guarantee Amount", "CT002058": "The liability is now unlimited.", "CT002179": "The presentation instructions has been set to $1.", "S0000032": "Amended", "CT002059": "The liability date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "S0000033": "Amendments", "SF002105": "New Expiry Date", "CT002056": "The liability date has been set to $1.", "CT002177": "The additional amount information has been set to $1.", "S0000034": "Old Validity", "CT002057": "The liability of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.", "CT002178": "The charges have been set to $1.", "S0000035": "New Validity", "CT002054": "The expiry date has been changed from unlimited to $1.", "CT002175": "The obligor has been set to $1.", "CT002055": "The liability date has been changed from unlimited to $1.", "CT002176": "The issuing bank has been set to $1.", "CT002052": "The tender date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002173": "", "S0000027": "Reference", "CT002053": "The additional info has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002174": "The applicant has been set to $1.", "S0000028": "Name", "CT002050": "The place of jurisdiction has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002171": "The form of undertaking has been set to $1.", "S0000029": "Amendment Date", "CT002051": "The tender reference has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002170": "The date of issue has been set to $1.", "CF000041": "", "SF002112": "Purpose of amend.", "SF002110": "Old Expiry Date", "CT002067": "Do you really want to delete the additional amount of this contract?", "CT002188": "The auto-extension notification period has been set to $1.", "CT002068": "The additional amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002189": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been set to $1.", "CT002186": "<empty>", "S0000036": "New Liability", "CT002066": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount Seq.C.", "CT002187": "The non-extension notification has been set to $1.", "S0000037": "Old Liability", "CT002063": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002184": "<empty>", "S0000038": "Actual Amendment No", "CT002064": "The amount cannot get negative", "CT002185": "<empty>", "S0000039": "Order from", "CT002061": "The expiry date has been set to $1.", "CT002182": "<empty>", "CT002062": "The additional amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002183": "<empty>", "CT002180": "The \"Standard Wording required\" has been set to $1.", "CT002060": "The validity is now unlimited.", "CT002181": "The requested language has been set to $1.", "CF000058": "Close Claim", "CT002519": "The governing law $1 has been deleted.", "CF000057": "Agreement of Beneficiary Required", "CF002113": "Cancellation Request", "CT002517": "The contract place has been deleted.", "CF000054": "Choose Full Text", "CT002518": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking $1 has been deleted.", "CF000052": "Unlimited", "CF000053": "Unlimited", "SF000064": "Amend. No Receiv.", "SF002123": "Amendments", "CT002078": "The advising bank has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002199": "", "CT002076": "The applicant has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002077": "The obligor has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002198": "", "CT002074": "The form of undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002195": "<empty>", "CT002075": "The applicable rules have been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002196": "", "CT002193": "New purpose does not allow sequence C. All Sequence C input fields will be cleared", "CT002194": "Invalid purpose of amendment. Valid are ISCA and ISUA", "CT002191": "The transfer indicator has been set to $1.", "CT002192": "The transfer conditions have been set to $1.", "CF000061": "Create Amendment Message", "CT002190": "The demand indicator has been set to $1.", "PD002100": "Amendment Dates", "CF000060": "...", "CT002528": "counter undertaking", "CT002529": "undertaking", "CT002526": "The demand indicator $1 has been deleted.", "CF000063": "Add. Amount", "CT002527": "Cancellation of the $1 requested.", "CT002524": "The transfer conditions have been deleted.", "SF002133": "New appr. Expiry Date", "CT002522": "Charges have been deleted.", "CT002523": "The presentation instructions have been deleted.", "SF002132": "Old appr. Expiry Date", "CT002520": "The place of jurisdiction $1 has been deleted.", "CT002521": "The additional info has been deleted.", "CT002089": "The non-extension notification has been changed from $1 to $2.", "SF002135": "Old Local Undertaking", "SF002136": "Local Undertaking", "CT002087": "The governing law/place has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002088": "The automatic extension period has been changed from $1 $2 $3 to $4 $5 $6.", "CT002085": "The presentation instructions have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002086": "The charges have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002083": "The confirmation party has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002084": "The confirmation instructions have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002081": "The second advising bank has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002082": "The additional amount information has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002080": "The advising bank reference has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002530": "Cancellation of the local undertaking requested.", "CT002098": "The applicable rules have been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT002099": "The applicant has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002096": "The form of undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002097": "The date of issue has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002094": "The transfer conditions have been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002092": "The demand indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002093": "The transfer indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002090": "The auto-extension notification period has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT002091": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000008": "Content of field Amendment differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !", "CT000007": "Request for extension of the undertaking accepted.", "CT000004": "Please transmit until $1.", "CT000003": "The $2 has changed from $3 to $1.", "CT000006": "The undertaking type is changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000002": "The following goods are now covered: $1", "CT000019": "The tender date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000018": "The tender reference has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000015": "The account for advanced payment undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000014": "The contract place has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000017": "The place of jurisdiction has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000016": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000011": "The tender closing date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000010": "The contract reference has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000013": "The contract amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.", "CT000012": "The original rate has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000029": "UNLIMITED", "CT000026": "The liability date has been changed from $1 to $2.", "CT000025": "The liability is now unlimited.", "CT000028": "UNLIMITED", "CT000022": "The liability date has been changed from unlimited to $1.", "CT000024": "The liability of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.", "CT000023": "The liability date has been set to $1.", "CT000020": "The additional info has been changed from $1 to $2.", "PD002018": "Reject amendment", }