export default { "PD009191": "Receiver of Bolero message", "CT000157": "Authentication", "CT000154": "Missing Bolero RID", "CT000153": "", "CT000156": "Addressing", "CT000155": "Corr.Type", "CT000034": "Additional Info for $1", "CT000152": "E-Mail-Address is not correct, $1", "CT000151": "No valid medium selected", "PD009102": "Additional Info Small", "PD009184": "Telex Key Panel", "CT000169": "只有TELEX报文适用该状态", "CT000168": "只有SWIFT的MT999报文适用该状态", "CT000165": "Cover sheet for forwarded messages", "CT000164": "Please select a party of contract or enter address.", "CT000167": "Information", "CT000166": "Remark", "CT000161": "Message Details $1", "PD000018": "Additional Info", "CT000162": "No receiver selected", "CF009269": "Show", "PD009134": "Receiver of DTE message", "PD009133": "Receiver of TAR message", "PD009135": "Receiver of DTA message", "PD009130": "Receiver of Email message", "PD009132": "Receiver of RTG message", "S0009185": "Key Amount", "CT009274": "", "PD009131": "Receiver of FAX message", "S0009186": "Key Text", "CT009273": "Remark", "CT009275": "Copy To", "CT000179": "Viewer", "S0009103": "copies", "CT000176": "收报行SWIFT号错误,第八位不能是1", "S0009104": "Per Medium", "S0009105": "Form Set", "CT000178": "Narrative (:79Z:)", "CT000177": "Narrative (:79:)", "SF009159": "Address Amend", "CT000174": "只有CMT报文适用该状态", "CF009271": "Allow *", "CF009270": "Allow *", "PD009122": "Cover Sheet", "S0009194": "Authenticator", "CT000107": "Information", "S0009195": "BIC", "CT000106": "Sender to Rec.", "S0009196": "Authenticator", "RF000172": "The following document is forwarded to you:", "CT000105": "Information", "CT000104": "Sender to Rec.", "CT000101": "Document", "CT000100": "Cover", "CT000183": "ELC", "CT000182": "该行号没有加入电证系统,不能发送相关报文", "SF009203": "Letter Date", "CT000184": "该行号没有加入电证系统,不能发送相关报文", "CT000181": "", "RF000170": "Additional information for forwarded message:", "CF009201": "Suppress Cover Letter", "CT000180": "Formatted display $1", "RF000171": "You are the designated receiver of the following orginal document:", "SF009160": "TradeConn.-ID", "SF009162": "Medium", "S0009193": "BIC", "PD009127": "Receiver of Letter", "PD009126": "Receiver of SWIFT message", "PD009129": "Receiver of Telex message", "PD009128": "Receiver of TradeConnect message", "PD009272": "Receiver of DTG message", "CF009204": "...", "CT000077": "&Activate", "T0000110": "DOCEOT - Module to handle output description of a single message", "CT000079": "&Delete", "CT000078": "S&uppress", "CT000073": "Receiver of message:", "SF009174": "Telefax No.", "SF009177": "Priority", "SF009173": "Telex Code", "SF009172": "E-mail", "CT000127": "The following document is forwarded to you:", "CT000126": "You are the designated receiver of the following orginal document:", "CT000084": "Missing e-mail address", "CF009187": "Canc&el", "CT000083": "Missing fax number", "CF009188": "Canc&el", "CT000086": "Missing BIC", "CT000085": "Missing TradeConnect ID", "CT000081": "Additional Info for $1", "SF009182": "DTE Number", "SF009181": "DTA Number", "SF009180": "Answerback", "CF009107": "&Delete", "CF009108": "...", "CT000138": "Missing address", "CF009106": "&Apply", "CT000137": "Missing address", "CT000132": "Missing form set", "SF009119": "Contact", "SF009118": "Send Message to", "CF009110": "&Apply", "CF009198": "Suppress Cover Letter", "CF009111": "&Delete", "CT000090": "No valid medium", "CF009112": "&Copy To", "SF009199": "Reference", "CF009113": "&Send To", "SF009192": "Bolero RID", "CT000304": "Please enter reference of recipient for Score.", "SF009127": "BIC", "SF009129": "Authenticator", "SF009120": "Form Set", "SF009121": "Per Medium", "PD009205": "new XML document panel", }