export default { "SG000339": "Branch reference no.", "SG000359": "Col.bank name", "CF000099": "", "CF000110": "Show closed", "SG000358": "Coll.bank ref.", "SG000356": "Currency", "CG000363": "Payemnt Disposition", "CG000364": "", "SG000354": "Document Amount", "S0000052": "Open Amount", "SG000353": "Name", "SG000351": "Reference", "CG000362": "Type of Draft", "PD000027": "Menu", "CT000097": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "CT000096": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.", "CT000091": "with Advance", "PD000043": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "PD000047": "Header for CC", "PD000046": "Selection Header for CC", "SG000349": "Collecting Bank Ref .", "SG000347": "Drawn on Bank Ref.", "SG000345": "Presenter Draft Nb.", "CG000352": "Show closed", "SG000344": "Mode of settlement", "SG000343": "Payment disposition", "S0000085": "Reference", "SG000342": "Form of Clean Coll.", "S0000064": "Document Amount", "SG000341": "Date of Draft", "S0000087": "Name", "SG000340": "Cash letter Batch No.", "SG000361": "ITEM COUNT", "SG000360": "Date of creation", "PD000350": "Selection Header for CL", }