export default { "SF000028": "如果连续10次输入错误的密码,用户将被锁定,需要向总行申请解锁", "SF000029": "每90天用户必须更新密码l", "CT000019": "There are files in your local temporarily used directory.\nOK to delete them?", "CF000010": "Show screen &image", "CT000018": "Cleaning up the local tmp directory in progress", "CF000011": "Show &textfile", "CT000015": "Unknown internal command *$1.", "CT000014": "Unable to display textfile $1.", "CT000011": "Unable to start client viewer to view file $1. Errorcode = $2.", "SF000002": "Old Password", "CT000010": "Unable to start TDVIEW viewer to view file $1. Errorcode = $2.", "SF000001": "User", "CT000013": "Unable to display textfile $1.", "SF000004": "New Password", "SF000026": "密码最短6位,最长10位,必须包含数字与字母,且不能和原来的密码相同", "CT000012": "Textfile $1 displayed.", "SF000003": "New Password", "SF000025": "repeated", "CT000031": "DOKA Release 5 - The Trade Finance Solution", "CT000030": "TradeConnect Enterprise", "PD000006": "Display Files", "S0000007": "Specify the screen image or textfile to be shown", "PD000000": "Change user password", "M0000017": "ShowStatusDetails", "M0000016": "System Status Details", "M0000018": "Print", "CT000008": "Unable to display screen image $1.", "CT000007": "Screen image $1 displayed.", "CT000009": "Unable to display screen image $1.", "CT000004": "The user account is locked and must be unlocked by the system administrator", "CT000026": "Transaction $1 cannot be loaded.", "CT000003": "Password successfully changed.\n\nInfo system can only be startet after new login.", "CT000025": "Pending entry $1 is currently locked by $2 since $3.\nProbably someone else is picking up the entry now.\nCheck this or pickup entry later.", "CT000006": "The old Password entered do not match.\nPlease reenter.", "CT000005": "Cannot Change Password", "CT000027": "Unable to change to the required entity. Pending entry cannot be picked up now.\nPlease change to entity $1 and pick it up manually.", "CT000000": "Change Password", "CT000022": "Error reading table ATP: $1 $2\nLoad Transaction $3 anyway?", "SF000013": "Trn to be launched", "CT000021": "Transaction $1 cannot be loaded directly.\n$1 needs data from previously executed transaction.", "CT000002": "The two new passwords entered do not match.\nPlease reenter.", "CT000024": "Due to network or other problems at least one of your sessions has been aborted.\nThe last session abort was at $1.\nDo you want to reload the aborted transaction directly?", "CF000005": "&Change", "CT000001": "The old and the new passwords should differ.\nPlease reenter.", "CT000023": "Cleaning up the local tmp directory completed", "PD000012": "Launch Transaction", }