export default { "SF000028": "Accepted on", "CT000107": "Advice of Acceptance", "CT000109": "Advice of Mixed Payment", "CT000108": "Advice of Deferred Payment", "CT000017": "Reject balance?", "SF000022": "Amount Accepted", "RF000121": "Utilization\', BCDGRP )", "CT000110": "Advice of Payment", "CT000054": "SIGHT TENOR WAS SETTLED FREE OF PAYMENT", "CT000068": "Reduction amount is equal to the amount settled. If this is correct, please set checkbox to `Free of Payment`.", "CT000122": "Utilization", "CT000100": "Advice of Documents in 2nd Mail", "CT000111": "Advice", "PD000038": "Advice to Debit Party 2nd mail", "PD000004": "Settle BC", "CT000063": "Redemption of Shipping Guarantee", "PD000006": "Advice to Debit Party", "PD000039": "Advice of Payment", "CT000060": "You cannot settle more than the open amount", "PD000030": "Redemption of Shipping Guarantee", "PD000120": "Advice of Acceptance", "PD000020": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", }