export default { "CT000018": "End of part $1", "CT000037": "Cannot handle part $1 of message (type=\'$2\', disposition=\'$3\'", "CT000058": "Script returned $1 $2\nReturned:\n$3", "CT000017": "Part $1 of message contains attachment", "CT000039": "File \'$1\' stored as \'$2\'", "CT000038": "End of part $1", "CT000033": "Subject: $1", "CT000032": "The following text was extracted from an HTML formatted document:", "CT000013": "Script returned $1 $2\nReturned:\n$3", "CT000053": "Subject: $1", "CT000052": "From: $1", "CT000048": "Text of attached file:", "CT000003": "Error in own email address: $1", "CT000047": "Filename was \'$1\', text of attached file:", "CT000069": "End of part $1", "CT000006": "Enter command shell on server:\n$2\nAnswer prompts as follows", "CT000044": "Part $1 of message contains attachment", "CT000066": "Subject: $1", "CT000021": "End of part $1", "CT000065": "Part $1 of message:", "CT000046": "End of part $1", "CT000068": "Original filename was \'$1\'", "CT000045": "Subject: $1", "CT000067": "Content of attachment of type \'text/$1\' follows.", "CT000040": "Signature: $1", "CT000020": "Part $1 of message (decrypted):", "CT000064": "Script returned $1 $2\nReturned:\n$3", }