export default { "RF000026": "Not allowed, if no contract is loaded. This transaction could be started from CONCHG only.", "RF000008": "This transaction creates a new Loan contract.", "RF000009": "So not existing Loan contract must be used.", "RF000020": "An existing Loan contract which is not closed.", "RF000021": "Reimbursing bank must be known.", "CT000033": "旧系统未了业务无法在国结系统修改", "RF000022": "An existing Loan contract which is not closed.", "CT000032": "核心未开户", "RF000023": "An existing Loan contract, which is closed.", "RF000024": "Not allowed, if no contract is loaded.", "RF000025": "Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.", "CT000031": "核心未开户", "CT000030": "前手交易未Release", "RF000015": "Loan must not be repaid in total.", "RF000016": "An existing Loan contract (can be closed).", "RF000017": "An existing Loan contract (can be closed).", "RF000018": "An existing Loan contract which is not closed.", "RF000019": "An existing Loan contract which is not closed.", "CT000007": "No reimbursing bank available", "CT000029": "前手交易未Release", "CT000004": "Selected loan is completely repaid", "CT000003": "Selected loan is not opened", "CT000006": "Selected loan is not closed", "CT000028": "Please use settling transaction to create a Loan", "CT000005": "Not possible, if a loan is selected", "CT000027": "Selected loan is not completely repaid", "RF000010": "An existing Loan contract which is opened and not closed.", "CT000000": "The selected transaction cannot be started under selected loan", "RF000011": "Loan must not be repaid in total.", "RF000012": "An existing Loan contract which is opened and not closed.", "CT000002": "Selected loan is closed", "RF000013": "An existing Loan contract which is opened and not closed.", "CT000001": "No loan selected", "RF000014": "An existing Loan contract which is opened and not closed.", }