export default { "CT000019": "TRN", "RG000058": "额度回退成功!\' )", "CT000015": "Record $1 $2 is locked by $3 since $4 so update is not possible. Please retry later", "CT000059": "Record $1 $2 is locked by $3 since $4 so update is not possible. Please retry later", "RG000057": "额度回退失败,失败原因:$1\', WFMMOD\\WFE( wfeidx )\\TXT2 )", "CT000017": "Transaction is locked by $2 since $3 so it cannot be rejected", "CT000010": "Transaction $1 is committed or deleted so it cannot be rolled back", "CT000032": "Cannot lock contract for transaction $1 due to internal error. Group $2 missing.", "CT000054": "Record $1 $2 is locked by $3 since $4 so update is not possible. Please retry later", "RG000075": "N\' where GHD.AMESTA=\' \' and GHD.OWNREF=\'\" + objtrn\\ownref + \"\'\"", "CT000034": "Contract of transaction $3 locked by $1 since $2", "CT000051": "Transaction $1 rolled back but cannot be picked up as transaction data ist corrupt.", "CT000030": "Ident No.", "CT000052": "Order for record $1 $2 is locked by $3 since $4 so update is not possible. Please retry later!", "CT000008": "Transaction $3 is locked by $1 since $2 so it cannot be rejected", "CT000029": "Status", "CT000009": "Transaction is already rolled back", "LH000053": "Record $1 $2 is locked by $3 since $4 so update is not possible. Please retry later", "CT000026": "Sig", "CT000048": "Status of transaction $1 was meanwhile changed by other user", "CT000025": "Req", "CT000047": "Contract influenced by transaction $3 locked by $1 since $2", "CT000028": "Resp", "CT000027": "Grp", "CT000022": "Relevant Amount", "T0000001": "Module for Rollback Transactions", "CT000021": "Cur", "CT000024": "Time", "CT000046": "Record is currently locked by another user", "CT000023": "Entry", "CT000020": "Own Reference", }