import commonDeclare from "./commonDeclare" import commonApi from "./commonApi" import commonGlobalSearch from "./commonGlobalSearch"; import Utils from "~/utils" import _ from "~/utils/Lodash.js"; export default { mixins: [commonApi, commonDeclare,commonGlobalSearch], data: function () { return { // 弹框回填 promptData: { title: '', columnStr: '', data: [], rulePath: '' }, isChecking: false } }, created() { }, mounted() { if (!this.isInDisplay) { this.generateFormRules() } }, methods: { /** * 表单校验 rules 的赋值 * @returns void */ generateFormRules() { if (this.root) { if (!this.root.rules) { return; } else { // 新添加的表单项,需要重新确定下 validator 的触发 trigger this.updateRulesTrigger(); return } } if (!this.pattern) return // const keySet = new Set(Object.keys(this.pattern).concat(Object.keys(this.checkRules).concat(Object.keys(this.defaultRules)))) const keySet = new Set(Object.keys(this.pattern).concat(Object.keys(this.defaultRules))) const res = {}; const that = this; for (let key of keySet.keys()) { const rule = [] if (that.pattern[key]) { rule.push(...that.pattern[key]) } const triggerType = that.getTriggerType(key) // if(that.checkRules[key]){ // if (Array.isArray(that.checkRules[key])) { // for (let j = 0; j < that.checkRules[key].length; j++) { // const check = that.checkRules[key][j]; // rule.push({ // validator: check.bind(that), // trigger: triggerType // }) // } // } else { // rule.push({ // validator: that.checkRules[key].bind(that), // trigger: triggerType // }) // } // } if (that.defaultRules[key]) { rule.push({ validator: that.defaultRules[key].bind(that), trigger: triggerType }) } if (rule.length > 0) { res[key] = rule; } } that.rules = res; }, /** * 触发方式 * @param {String} prop item属性 * @returns */ getTriggerType(prop) { const modelForm = this.root ? this.root.$refs.modelForm : this.$refs.modelForm const fields = modelForm.fields; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const field = fields[i]; if (field.prop === prop) { // select、checkbox使用change触发 const ele = field.$children[1] ? field.$children[1].$children[0] : field.$children[0].$children[0] if (ele.$el.className.startsWith("el-select") || ele.$el.className.startsWith("el-checkbox")) { return "change"; } return "blur"; } } return "blur"; }, /** * 表单有些 tab 是通过 v-if 控制的,这些表单项初始时的 trigger 均为 blur,需要手动更新 */ updateRulesTrigger() { const rules = this.root.rules for (const key in rules) { if (, key)) { const rule = rules[key]; const triggerType = this.getTriggerType(key) for (let i = 0; i < rule.length; i++) { const r = rule[i]; if (r.validator && r.trigger !== triggerType) { r.trigger = triggerType; } } } } }, /** * Tabs切换事件 * @param {VM} tab */ async tabClick(tab) { if (this.isInDisplay) { return } const name = let rulePath; if (name === "setpan") { rulePath = "setmod.setpan"; } if (name === "glepan") { rulePath = "setmod.glemod.glepan"; } if (name === "docpan") { rulePath = "trnmod.trndoc.docpan" } if (name === "doctre") { rulePath = "trnmod.trndoc.doctre" } if (name === "cips" || name === "cips2") { rulePath = "trnmod.cipmod.cips" } if (name === "engp") { rulePath = "liaall.engp" } if (name === "limitbody") { rulePath = "liaall.limmod.limitbody" } if (name === "ccvpan") { rulePath = "liaall.liaccv.ccvpan" } if( name === "detp1"){ rulePath = "setmod.setpan" } if(name === "actinf"){ rulePath = "recpan.actinf" } if(name === "libp"){ rulePath = "cnybop.libp" } if(name === 'basp'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbcp.basp" } if(name === 'basp1'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbfp.basp" } if(name === 'basp2'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbdp.basp" } if(name === 'basp3'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbap.basp" } if(name === 'incp'){ rulePath = "cnybop.incp" } if(name === 'outp'){ rulePath = "cnybop.Outp" } if(name === 'dbb'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbbp.basp" }if(name === 'dbe'){ rulePath = "bopmod.dbep.basp" } if (!!rulePath) { // if(rulePath == "setmod.setpan"){ // this.executeCustomRule(rulePath).then(res => { // if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { // this.updateModel( // } // }) // }else{ this.executeRule(rulePath).then(res => { if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { this.updateModel( } }) // } } }, /** * 以函数形式获取model(请求参数),保证取到的是最新赋值的 * @param {any} params 参数 * @param {any} selfCb 允许延时组数 参数 * @returns */ wrapper(params,delayCb) { params = params || {} const fn = async () => { const that = this; const data = await new Promise(resolve => { // 保证前一次请求结果赋值VO完成 setTimeout(() => { delayCb && delayCb() const d = Utils.flatObject(that.model) resolve(d) }, 0) }) return {, params } } return fn; }, wrapperCustom(params,delayCb) { params = params || {} params['isCustom'] = true const fn = async () => { const that = this; const data = await new Promise(resolve => { // 保证前一次请求结果赋值VO完成 setTimeout(() => { delayCb && delayCb() const d = Utils.flatObject(that.customModel) resolve(d) }, 0) }) params['keys'] = Object.keys(data) return {, params } } return fn; }, /** * 用于手动的触发model里属性的 executeDefault * @param {string} rule 执行的 rule path * @param {any} value 更改的值 */ defaultFunction(rule, value) {, rule, value) }, /** * 用于手动的触发model里属性的 event * @param {string} rule 执行的 rule path * @param {any} value 更改的值 */ eventFunction(rulePath) { this.executeRule(rulePath).then((res) => { if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model,; } }) }, /** * 更新Model * @param {any} data model数据 */ updateModel(data) { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model, data); }, /** * 弹出机构选择框 * @param {String} rulePath * @param {String} columns 自定义需要展示列 * @param {String} shadow 自定义列后需要保留的影藏字段 * @param {String} modelUrl 非机构双击后需要回填的字段路劲,k:对应列,value:应用model路劲,如{TXT:'ledgrp.blk.lcrgod'} * @param {String} isCover 非机构双击后需要回填的字段值是覆盖还是叠加,部分覆盖值为对象,false为叠加,如{TXT:false},k值为modelUrl的k,如全部覆盖则isCover='T',如全部叠加则isCover='',默认全部覆盖 */ showGridPromptDialog(rulePath, columns, shadow, modelUrl, isCover = "T",Dialog='etyDialog') { this.executeRule(rulePath).then((res) => { if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { if ( { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model,; } else { console.log("in if") console.log(this.root.$ref) console.log(this.root.$refs) console.log(this.root.$refs[Dialog]); this.root.$refs[Dialog].show = true this.root.promptData = { title:, columnStr: columns ? columns :, shadow: shadow, data:, rulePath: rulePath, modelUrl: modelUrl, isCover: isCover, } } } this.$el.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(input => input.blur()) }) }, /** * 下拉框/多选框 改变时执行rule * @param {String} rulePath 路径 */ selectOrCheckboxRule(rulePath){ this.executeRule(rulePath).then((res) => { if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model,; } }) }, /** * 机构回填 * @param {String} val 选种行的值(一般是首列) * @param {String} rulePath 路径 */ selectEty(val, rulePath) { const props = rulePath.replaceAll(".", "_") const obj = {} obj[props] = val; Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model, obj); this.executeRule(rulePath).then((res) => { if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { Utils.copyValueFromVO(this.model,; } }); }, /** * 货物条款等非机构栏位回填 * @param {Object} val 选种行的值,按钮的值 * @param {Object} url 字段路劲 需要回填的字段路劲 * @param {Object} url 对应字段值是否覆盖 ,需要为true,否则合并叠加 * @param {String} rulePath 路径 */ selectMsg(val, modelUrl, isCover, rulePath) { for (let k in val) { let msg = val[k] if ((typeof isCover === 'string' && isCover === '') || !isCover[k]) { let ms = _.get(this.model, modelUrl[k], '') msg = (ms ? ms + '\r\n' : '') + msg } _.set(this.model, modelUrl[k], msg); } }, /** * 改变表单项的是否必填属性 * @param {String} property 属性 * @param {Boolean} required 是否必填 */ changeFormItemRequired(property, required) { this.getRoot().pattern[property][0].required = required }, /** * 在 A 交易中打开 B 交易视图(详情、开立...)。 * * 路由视图跳转,例: * this.gotoView("Ditopn", {inr: "001021021"}, {name: "lisi"}) 实际请求的 url 为 /business/ditopn/001021021?name=lisi * params, query按需传入(得提前配置好 Router ),在对应的vue页面做好处理 * @param {String} name 路由的name * @param {Object} params 路由的params * @param {Object} query 路由的query */ gotoView(name, params, query) { params = params || {} query = query || {} this.$router.push({ name, params, query }) }, gotoUrl(url) { this.$router.push(url) }, /** * 设置拖动组件的内容 * @param {String} currentTool * @param {String} toolTitle */ setDraggableContent(currentTool, toolTitle) { const layout = this.$root.$children[0].$children[0] layout.dragShow = true; layout.changeSize(1); layout.currentTool = currentTool; layout.toolTitle = toolTitle; } }, computed: { isInDisplay() { return this.$store.state.Status.mode === 'display' } } }