export default { "PD000060": "Finance", "S0000071": "计息日期", "S0000072": "利率调整方式", "S0000073": "利率调整周期", "S0000074": "月日数", "S0000075": "宽限期", "SG000099": "第三方还款方式", "S0000076": "基准利率", "S0000077": "浮动方式", "S0000078": "浮动值", "SG000096": "修改类型", "S0000079": "逾期计息方式", "S0000069": "计息周期", "CT000072": "$2到期提示:$1", "PD000029": "Amendment", "CT000071": "Due Date", "CT000070": "Interest Option", "PD000020": "Amendment", "S0000080": "罚息比率", "S0000081": "第一还款账号", "CT000048": "Amendment", "S0000087": "借据号", "S0000088": "融资账号", "S0000089": "展期到期日", "SG000085": "融资账号", "CT000045": "Repayment Notice of $1", "CT000040": "Amendment", "S0000090": "宽限期", "S0000091": "浮动方式", "S0000092": "浮动值", "S0000093": "展期年利率", "CT000059": "The selected new due date $1 of calendar \'$2\' on amendment panel is a holiday.", "CT000058": "New due date can not be in the past", "S0000097": "%", "CG000102": "是否到期主动扣收贷款本息", "CT000055": "The parent user $1 ist not available.", "CT000054": "The passed user $1 is not available.", "CT000051": "The amount of loan cannot exceed the open amount of the parent contract of $1 $2.", "CT000052": "The amount of loan cannot exceed the document amount of the parent contract of $1 $2.", "PD000086": "Extension", "SG000105": "市场LPR期限品种", "SG000104": "基准利率规则", "SG000100": "第三方还款账号", "S0000064": "正常执行利率", "S0000066": "新到期日", "S0000067": "融资天数", "S0000068": "借据号", "CT000067": "Amended Amount", "PD000030": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", }