export default {
	"CF001002": "E&xit",
	"CF001000": "&Save",
	"CF001001": "Entry done",
	"CT001129": "Res. Grp.",
	"CF001087": "",
	"CT001006": "Diary $1 has been deleted",
	"SF001010": "Start Transaction",
	"CT001127": "Start TRN",
	"CT001007": "The deletion of diary $1 has been canceled.",
	"CT001128": "Entered",
	"CT001048": "< New Contract >",
	"CT001125": "Date",
	"CT001005": "Do you really want to delete the diary $1?",
	"SF001011": "Detailed Information",
	"CT001126": "Coded Reason",
	"CT001046": "Do you really want to use a date in the past?",
	"CT001123": "Sector",
	"CT001124": "Name",
	"CT001044": "Please fill in the reason of the diary.",
	"CT001001": "Display a diary for contract $1",
	"CT001045": "Please fill in date the entry is due.\nIf it is just a note, enter today and mark entry as done.",
	"CT001122": "Reference",
	"CT001042": "Display a diary for contract $1",
	"CT001043": "Reference",
	"CT001040": "Grp.",
	"CT001084": "Please fill in the name of the entry",
	"CT001083": "Version $1 printed by $2 on $3 at $4",
	"CT001080": "Diary $4 printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"PD001033": "Diary Selection",
	"CT001019": "New diary entry $1 inserted.",
	"CT001018": "New diary entry $1 has been modified.",
	"CT001057": "$1 is about to be printed.",
	"CT001134": "Are you sure that you want to set a diary \'$1\' without date?",
	"CT001014": "New diary entry not saved due to missing fields",
	"CT001132": "Diary \'$1\': The Date of Diary \'$2\' is in the past.",
	"CT001012": "Enter a diary entry for contract $1",
	"CT001133": "Diary \'$1\': The Date of Diary \'$2\' has been modified.\nThis user input will not automatically be overwritten in this transaction.",
	"CT001130": "Res.User",
	"CT001010": "Modify a diary for contract $1",
	"SG001126": "预计核验日期",
	"CT001090": "The passed user \'$1\' who is responsible for the diary with date $2, reason \'$4\' of contract \'$3\' is not available.\nYou may change the responsible user.",
	"SG001127": "客户名称",
	"SG001128": "客户号",
	"SG001129": "付款币种",
	"CF001026": "D&elete",
	"CF001027": "E&xit",
	"CF001025": "&Modify",
	"CT001149": "prechkdat",
	"CT001147": "paycur",
	"SF001077": "Status",
	"CT001148": "payamt",
	"CT001145": "ptyextkey",
	"CT001146": "ptynam",
	"CF001029": "&Display",
	"CT001020": "Diary entry $1 saved.",
	"SG001130": "付款金额",
	"CF001030": "&Add New",
	"SF001007": "Entered by",
	"SF001006": "Date of Diary",
	"SF001009": "Resp. Group",
	"SF001008": "Responsible User",
	"PD001082": "List of diary",
	"CT001039": "Us.",
	"CT001037": "Transact.",
	"CT001038": "Description",
	"CT001035": "Date",
	"CT001036": "Status",
	"SF001005": "Description",
	"CT001034": "Reason",
	"SF001004": "Diary Reason",
	"CF001085": "",
	"CF001083": "&Print",
	"PD001122": "PRECHKDATE",
	"PD001003": "Diaries in Transactions",