export default { "CT000119": "This field should be empty when you did not receive an advice of discrepancies", "CT000213": "Please make sure to enter the amount of charges deducted / added into the settlement.\nOtherwise, tag 32b (total amount advised) of the outgoing MT752 may be incorrect.", "CT000032": "Please enter a positive document amount", "S0000078": "Name", "S0000079": "Document Reference", "SF000047": "Type of Advice", "CT000193": "Documents received?", "CT000251": "Total Amount to be paid", "CT000250": "Total Amount Claimed", "CT000190": "Booked in AR at advice of payment", "SF000082": "Payment advised on", "CT000191": "Send and Settle Documents", "SF000083": "Discrep. advised on", "PD000045": "Advice Received", "CT000107": "Amount to be received in contract currency $1", "CT000206": "This Date can not be in the future", "CF000087": "", "CT000205": "This Date can not be in the future", "CT000249": "$1 (includes presenter`s charges)", "CF000085": "Register to Send and Settle Documents", "CF000086": "Register to Handle Discrepancies", "CT000202": "Reject Documents", "CT000246": "The following discrepancies have been advised", "CT000201": "Notification of Advised Discrepancies", "CT000204": "Please enter the Date when the Advice of Payment has been received", "CT000248": "Additional Amount", "CT000203": "Please enter the Date when the Discrepancy Advice has been received", "CT000247": "Document Amount", "CT000187": "Advice of discrepancies", "CT000189": "paid by applicant at advice of payment", "CT000188": "Advice of documents", "SF000058": "Presented by", "PD000038": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction", "CT000185": "Advice of payment received", "CT000240": "Notification of Advised Payment", "PD000056": "Notifi. of Advised Discrepancies", "PD000055": "Notification of Advised Payment", }