export default {
	"RF000125": "The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursment authorization.",
	"RF000126": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000127": "The Export L/C must be issued and contain a reimbursment authorization.",
	"RF000128": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is issued and not closed.",
	"RF000129": "The number of utilizations must be less than 999.",
	"RF000084": "So no existing Export L/C contract must be used.",
	"RF000085": "This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.",
	"RF000086": "If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it must not be opened or closed.",
	"RF000087": "This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.",
	"RF000120": "IF selected from LETSEL: In Case of a packing credit:",
	"CT000077": "Selected L/C is not marked as transferable",
	"RF000088": "If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it must not be advised or closed.",
	"RF000121": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000076": "Reservation not possible, if a L/C is selected",
	"RF000089": "This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.",
	"RF000122": "The unutilized amount must not be zero.",
	"CT000079": "Packing Credit already existent under selected contract",
	"RF000123": "Only one Packing Credit is allowed under a Export L/C contract.",
	"CT000078": "Please use transaction \'Receive Documents\' (LETDRV)",
	"RF000124": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000073": "The maximum number of allowed revolvings under selected L/C has been reached",
	"CT000072": "Selected L/C has no revolving clause",
	"CT000075": "No more revolvings possible as the maximum number of 99 has been reached",
	"CT000071": "Selected L/C is not closed",
	"CT000070": "Selected L/C is already advised",
	"RF000083": "This transaction creates a new Export L/C contract.",
	"RF000114": "Not allowed, if no contract is loaded. This transaction could be started from CONCHG only.",
	"RF000115": "If selected from LETSEL: An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed",
	"RF000116": "and the unutilized amount must not be zero.",
	"RF000117": "This transaction creates a new Transfer contract.",
	"RF000118": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000119": "It must be marked as transferable and the unutilized amount must not be zero.",
	"CT000000": "The selected transaction cannot be started under the selected L/C.",
	"RF000110": "No open document sets or transfers are allowed.",
	"RF000111": "A closed Export L/C contract.",
	"RF000112": "Not allowed, if no contract is loaded.",
	"RF000113": "Is used to attach incoming messages to a contract without further processing.",
	"CT000080": "Selected L/C is already issued",
	"CT000082": "No deferred payment that can be forfaited",
	"CT000081": "No open amount that can be transferred",
	"RF000103": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000104": "An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).",
	"RF000105": "An existing Export L/C contract (can be closed).",
	"RF000106": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000019": "Selected L/C is closed",
	"RF000107": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is opened and not closed.",
	"CT000018": "No L/C selected",
	"RF000108": "The contract must be marked as revolving and the maximum number of allowed revolvings must not be reached\'.",
	"CT000139": "No more amendments possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached",
	"RF000109": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000135": "此交易已做过保兑",
	"CT000138": "印押不符!!",
	"CT000137": "印押不符!!",
	"RF000100": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"RF000101": "The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.",
	"RF000102": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000095": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"CT000069": "Please close open transfers first",
	"RF000096": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"RF000097": "The unutilized amount must be higher than zero.",
	"RF000130": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is issued and not closed.",
	"RF000098": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is opened and not closed.",
	"RF000131": "The number of utilizations must be less than 999.",
	"CT000066": "No more amendments possible as the maximum number of 99 has been reached",
	"RF000099": "The numbers of advised and of received documents sets must be less than 999.",
	"RF000132": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is issued and not closed.",
	"CT000021": "Selected L/C is not yet advised",
	"CT000065": "No more utilisations possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached",
	"RF000133": "Available by deferred or mixed payment",
	"CT000068": "Please close open document sets first",
	"RF000134": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"CT000023": "Open amount under selected L/C is zero",
	"CT000067": "No more advises possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached",
	"CT000020": "Selected L/C is not yet issued",
	"CT000064": "No reimbursing bank available",
	"RF000090": "If an existing Export L/C contract is used, it must not be adivsed or closed.",
	"RF000091": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"RF000092": "The number of amendments must be less than 99.",
	"RF000093": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",
	"RF000094": "An existing Export L/C contract, which is advised and not closed.",