export default { "SF000042": "Valid from (incl.) until:", "CT000036": "The decimal places have to be positive.", "SF000041": "General Ledger Balance Rate", "SF000044": "Value Working Days from Today:", "SF000043": "Interest Days in OD-Rate", "CT000033": "The amount for stored rate has to be positive.", "SF000046": "Debit", "CT000032": "The general ledger balance rate has to be positive.", "SF000045": "Credit", "CT000035": "The margin for squaring rate has to be positive.", "SF000048": "Maximum Amount for Stored Rate", "CT000034": "The rounding unit of currency has to be positive.", "SF000047": "Replaced by", "CT000031": "This date must not be before the valid from date", "PD000029": "Currency", "CT000030": "The maximum tolerance has to be positive.", "SF000040": "Margin for Squaring Rate", "CT000008": "margin for buying/selling rate", "CT000007": "counter account for currency conversions", "PD000050": "List of Currency", "CT000009": "Seq. in exchange rate tool (0:Not in, -1 fix)", "CT000004": "maximum tolerance", "CT000003": "exchange rate calculation base", "CT000006": "General ledger balance rate", "CT000005": "account for currency conversions", "CT000000": "Currency already defined", "T0000025": "Panel Module for Currency", "CT000002": "decimal places", "CT000001": "rounding unit of currency", "CT000015": "debit", "CT000014": "Value working days from today", "CT000016": "credit", "CT000055": "The selected Currency is invalid", "CT000011": "valid from (incl.) until (excl.)", "CT000054": "The selected Currency is invalid", "CT000010": "margin for sqaring rate", "CT000057": "The currency is defined with different numbers of decimal places in other entities: $1", "CT000013": "Interest days in OD-rate", "SF000039": "Seq. in Exchange Rate Tool (0:Not in, -1 fix)", "SF000038": "Margin for Buying/Selling Rate", "CT000029": "The debit has to be positive.", "CT000026": "The exchange rate calculation base has to be positive.", "SF000031": "Alternate Code", "CT000025": "\"New Currency\" cleared as sequence number is not \"-1\"", "SF000030": "Code", "CT000028": "The credit has to be positive.", "SF000033": "Rounding Unit of Currency", "CT000027": "The margin for buying/selling rate has to be positive.", "SF000032": "Decimal Places", "SF000035": "Maximum Tolerance", "CT000022": "Language", "SF000034": "Exchange Rate Calculation Base", "SF000037": "Counter Acct. for Currency Conversions", "CF000028": "", "SF000036": "Account for Currency Conversions", "CT000023": "Currency Text", }