export default { "SF000049": "Finance Type", "CT000319": "融资开户日小于当天,请再次确认是否正确。", "CT000316": "到期日$1为节假日!", "CT000315": "卖方国内信用证融资还款提示\:$1", "CT000317": "Caution\! 融资开户日期早于当天\!", "S0000270": "Name", "CT000312": "基准利率为空。", "CT000311": "$1", "CT000314": "汇入汇款押汇还款提示\:$1", "CT000313": "", "SF000046": "Name", "SG000370": "LPR期限品种", "CT000270": "Advance $1 created", "S0000302": "基准利率", "S0000304": "执行利率", "S0000305": "%", "SF000040": "Finance Reference", "S0000306": "到期日", "S0000307": "融资天数", "PD000020": "Advance Details", "CF000047": "", "CF000048": "", "CT000206": "The Due Date can not be in the past", "CT000327": "融资天数最大不能超过999天!", "CT000326": "请保持与定价系统放款的币种$1一致!", "SG000369": "我行卖出执行利率", "CT000329": "\"我行卖出执行利率\" 需小于等于\"执行利率\"", "PD000093": "Amount Settled", "CF000042": "", "CT000202": "Financing of more than 100% of tenor amount not allowed", "CT000323": "不能小于定价系统最小贷款金额", "CT000322": "不能大于定价系统最大贷款金额", "CT000325": "不能小于定价系统最小贷款期限", "CT000203": "Financed Amount can not exceed Amount of Tenor", "CT000324": "不能大于定价系统最大贷款期限", "S0000043": "Parent Contract", "SF000059": "Name", "CT000321": "还款提示\:$1", "CT000338": "币种不是人民币或基准利率准则不是市场LPR基准时,该字段不能有值", "CT000337": "电证要求必输!", "CG000347": "Get", "CT000213": "stand alone", "S0000094": "Financial Doc. Amt.", "CT000334": "电证要求必输!", "SG000355": "发票类型", "CT000212": "The Due date can not be later than the selected tenor", "CT000333": "电证要求必输!", "SG000354": "审批流程发起标识", "CT000336": "电证要求必输!", "CG000343": "是否到期主动扣收贷款本息", "SG000353": "基准利率规则", "CT000214": "docs. advanced", "CT000335": "电证要求必输!", "SG000352": "参考指标", "CT000297": "出口信用证融资还款提示\:$1", "CT000330": "电证要求必输!", "SG000350": "税率", "CT000332": "电证要求必输!", "CT000331": "电证要求必输!", "CT000295": "出口托收押汇还款提示\:$1", "CT000228": "export document set number", "CG000335": "计算", "CT000227": "The Open Date may not lie after Due Date", "CG000336": "Get", "CT000229": "The selected due date $1 of the calendar \\'$2\\' on financing details panel is a holiday.", "SG000344": "定价审批代码", "CT000226": "negative percentage not allowed", "SF000076": "Responsible User", "SG000341": "Mortgage Flag", "SG000340": "预扣息方式", "CT000222": "documentary collection number", "CT000221": "import document set number", "PD000038": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction", "SG000339": "%", "SG000338": "第三方还款账号", "CT000239": "transfer document set number", "CT000238": "paid back with advance", "CT000359": "LPR期限品种为5YLPR但贷款期限小于1年,不允许放款", "SG000334": "预收息金额", "CT000356": "贷款期限<\=1年时,LPR期限品种只能选择1YLPR", "SG000333": "预扣息账号", "SF000085": "Ref.", "CT000355": "请选择\"LPR期限品种\"。", "CT000234": "Please select one tenor only", "CT000237": "You may only advance tenors for 1st beneficiary in transfers", "CT000358": "LPR期限品种为1YLPR但贷款期限大于5年,不允许放款", "SG000331": "第三方还款方式", "CT000357": "贷款期限>5年时,LPR期限品种只能选择5YLPR", "SG000330": "入账机构", "CT000230": "You cannot pay back more than the open amount of $1 $2", "CT000233": "Advancing", "SG000328": "第一还款账号", "CF000089": "", "SG000327": "罚息比率", "SG000326": "逾期计息方式", "CF000087": "", "SG000325": "浮动值", "CF000088": "", "SG000324": "浮动方式", "SG000323": "宽限期", "SG000320": "月日数", "CT000241": "above mentioned contract", "CG000273": "Get Ref", "CT000361": "贷款期限>5年时,LPR期限品种只能选择5YLPR", "SF000090": "Packing Credit Pay Back Amount", "CT000360": "贷款期限<\=1年时,LPR期限品种只能选择1YLPR", "SF000092": "Interest Option", "PD000296": "Finance", "SG000319": "利率调整周期", "SG000318": "利率调整方式", "SG000317": "计息日期", "SG000315": "计息周期", "SG000314": "借据号", "S0000297": "融资金额", "SF000268": "Purchase Agreement", "S0000299": "开户日期", "CT000372": "Advances are possible with a contract to be advanced only.\\nNo supported contract has been loaded.\\nAdvance cannot be executed.\\nPlease call advance using menu of contract to be advanced.", "CT000371": "Advances are possible with a contract to be advanced only.\\nNo supported contract has been loaded.\\nAdvance cannot be executed.\\nPlease call advance using menu of contract to be advanced.", "PD000089": "Packing Credit Options", "CT000309": "金额不能为空!", "CT000308": "请先选择到期日!", "CT000305": "请先选择到期日!", "CT000304": "请先选择利率调整方式!", "CT000307": "执行利率不能为空!", "CT000306": "请先选择利率调整周期!", "CT000267": "Please enter the invoice number", "CT000300": "该币种下的此利率未维护!", "CT000303": "请先选择币种!", "CT000302": "超出范围", "S0000066": "Advanced Party", "CF000271": "", "PD000077": "Advance", }