export default {
	"LT000029": "Submenu trn 1",
	"LT000040": "Submenu trn 11",
	"CT000010": "Value must be positive",
	"LT000041": "Submenu trn 12",
	"PD000002": "Register",
	"LT000033": "Submenu trn 4",
	"LT000034": "Submenu trn 5",
	"LT000035": "Submenu trn 6",
	"LT000036": "Submenu trn 7",
	"CT000008": "Value must be positive",
	"LT000037": "Submenu trn 8",
	"CT000007": "The value for this threshold must be greater than or equal to the first two values.",
	"LT000038": "Submenu trn 9",
	"LT000039": "Submenu trn 10",
	"CT000009": "The value for this threshold must be greater than or equal to the first value.",
	"CT000004": "Value must be positive",
	"CT000026": "Transaction $1 cannot be loaded.",
	"CT000003": "Value must be positive",
	"CT000025": "Pending entry $1 is currently locked by $2 since $3.\nDo you want to continue working on the contract without waiting for the locked pending item?",
	"CT000006": "Value must be positive",
	"CT000028": "Alternate folder definition $1 not found.\nUsing default file $2 instead.",
	"CT000005": "Value must be positive",
	"CT000027": "Unable to change to the required entity. Pending entry cannot be picked up now.\nPlease change to entity $1 and pick it up manually.",
	"CT000000": "User $1 has no profile (in TDRIGHTS.INI). Profile \"default\" taken.",
	"T0000001": "Configuration of Office",
	"LT000030": "Submenu trn 1",
	"CT000002": "Profile $1 not accessible. Session will be canceled.",
	"CT000024": "There is an autoregistration available for this transaction. Do you want to load it?",
	"LT000031": "Submenu trn 2",
	"CT000023": "Profile \"$1\" not accessible. Profile \"$2\" taken.",
	"LT000032": "Submenu trn 3",