export default { "CF000079": "输入单据,不符点,说明", "SG000179": "报文类型", "SG000178": "交单批注描述", "CT000058": "Feedback from Beneficiary", "SG000177": "交单批注日期", "S0000174": "寄单索汇修改备注", "SF000065": "单据金额", "SG000176": "交单批注行行号", "S0000076": "交单人", "SF000068": "单据类型", "CT000176": "请不要超过50个汉字", "CT000033": "Original", "CT000175": "请不要超过2000个汉字!", "CT000177": "elcs.202.001.02报文暂未开通,请发elcs.202.001.01报文", "CT000056": "Original", "CT000078": "We have sent an advice of discrepancy, asking for applicants acceptance, in the mean time we hold the documents", "SF000080": "已交单次数", "CT000174": "请不要超过60个汉字!", "SF000082": "远期单据到期时间", "SF000083": "付款人", "PD000063": "Acknowledge Documents Received", "PD000084": "国内信用证卖方单据修改通知书", "PD000020": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "PD000064": "Advice of Discrepancies", "PD000001": "修改单据", "SF000074": "收单日期", "SF000077": "到期日", "SF000078": "寄单日期", "CT000040": "Send and Settle Documents", "CT000062": "The Received on Date can not be in the future", "CT000061": "The Order Date can not be in the future", "CT000083": "Documents are sent on approval basis", "CT000064": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on additional documents panel is a holiday.", "CT000063": "Red or Green Clause alert.\nPlease check the following settlement instructions\n\n$1", "CT000080": "We await your instructions or substitution of discrepant documents", "CT000082": "Documents are presented to the issuing bank", "CT000081": "Minor discrepancies we ignored:", "PD000073": "不符点", "PD000175": "修改单据2", }