export default { "CT000279": "COV付款人组织机构代码和COV付款人证件类型字段只需填写一项", "CT000278": "COV付款人组织机构代码和COV付款人证件类型字段最少填写一项", "CT000275": "此栏位只能输入数字或大写字母,请重新输入", "CT000032": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe transaction cannot be executed.", "CT000274": "COV收款人组织机构代码不是(9位)或(18位)", "CT000035": "The status of contract $1 ($2) does not allow this transaction to be executed.", "CT000270": "COV收款人组织机构代码和COV收款人证件类型字段只需填写一项", "CT000031": "Previous transactions for contract \'$1\' are still waiting to be released.\nIf any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair aswell.", "SG000009": "接收行行号", "SG000008": "接收行名称", "CT000206": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\",\"或\"。\"或\"-\"开始!", "CT000205": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!", "CT000208": "The name is too long, need to be less than 135!", "CT000207": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!", "CT000202": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\",\"或\"。\"或\"-\"开始!", "CT000047": "Autoreg. $1 $2", "CT000204": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\",\"或\"。\"或\"-\"开始!", "CT000203": "The name is too long, need to be less than $1!", "CT000286": "此栏位不允许输入中文", "CT000046": "$1 by $2 on $3/$4", "CT000160": "请输入查询条件", "CT000284": "此栏位只能输入数字或大写字母,请重新输入", "CT000283": "COV付款人组织机构代码不是(9位)或(18位)", "SG000118": "收款人开户行", "CT000216": "此系列地址输入长度超过了 $1个字符或140个汉字!", "CT000213": "此系列附言输入长度超过了 $1个字符或105个汉字!", "CT000179": "联行信息", "CT000212": "此系列地址输入长度超过了 $1个字符或70个汉字!", "CT000215": "输入不能超过60个汉字或 $1个字符!", "CT000214": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\",\"或\"。\"或\"-\"开始!", "CT000176": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?", "SG000197": "附言", "SG000230": "业务种类", "CT000175": "至少输入3个字或6位行号", "CT000299": "字符$1 输入不合法", "CT000178": "无匹配记录", "SG000195": "收款人开户行行号", "CT000056": "There are the following entries for this contract/ transaction in \'Selection of Pending Items\':\n$1.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", "CT000177": "联行信息", "CT000174": "联行名称", "CT000173": "联行行号", "SG000229": "附言", "SG000228": "收款直接参与者名称", "CT000228": "cips联行行号", "CG000059": "获取", "SG000227": "收款直接参与者行号", "CT000227": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!", "CT000229": "cips联行名称", "CT000224": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!", "CT000223": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!", "CT000226": "收款直接参与者行号错误,请重新输入!", "CT000225": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!", "CT000066": "More than 20 levels in headquarter/housebank sequence for account defaulting.\nMost likely result of a circular definition in DBIPTY. Please check.", "CT000220": "检测到以下域存在转义字符导致单个域单行字符数越界,请手动处理\n$1", "CT000065": "A 2nd slash (\'/\') is missing at line $1.", "CT000068": "The contract $5 is locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nThe transaction cannot be executed.", "CT000222": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!", "CT000067": "There are the following entries for this contract/ transaction in \'Selection of Pending Items\':\n$1.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", "CT000221": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!", "CT000183": "错误信息:$1", "CT000061": "Uncommitted Workflow Services for the following previous transaction(s) for contract \'$1\' are waiting to be processed:\n$2 If any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair as well.", "CT000182": "获取类型值成功! $1", "CT000064": "The following codes are allowed to use only:\n$1.", "CT000063": "Line $1 has to start with a slash (\'/\').", "CT000060": "The respective order for contract $5 is locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nThe transaction cannot be executed.", "CT000180": "请点击\"获取\"按钮得到报文类型!", "CT000239": "COV收款人开户行行号和COV收款非银行支付机构账号必须输入一项", "CT000235": "至少输入6位行号", "CT000234": "cips联行信息", "CT000237": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入", "CT000236": "收款直接参与者行号错误,请重新输入!", "CT000077": "A negative amount is not allowed", "CT000231": "是否显示银行列表?", "CT000076": "Caution: There are already several contracts stored with OWNREF $1.\nThe reference of this picked up contract has been cleared.\nThe contracts with following INRs shall be checked in the database carefully.\n$2", "CT000197": "YYYYMMDD", "CT000230": "至少输入4个字", "CT000079": "One of the following transactions for contract \'$1\' is waiting for recalculation of predecessors:\n$2 transactions for this contract cannot be entered until recalculation has been finished.", "CT000233": "收款直接参与者名称错误,请重新输入!", "CT000232": "cips联行信息", "CT000194": "此栏位不能全部为空格,请去掉空格后保存!", "CT000072": "There are the following entries regarding amendment(s) in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1:\n$2.\nAmounts and/or dates have to be checked and might have to be amended manually!\nPress OK to leave the transaction to process the entries first.", "CT000193": "The name is too long, need to be less than 135!", "CT000075": "There are the following entries in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1.\n$2", "CT000074": "There are the following entries regarding amendment(s) in \'Selection of Pending Items\' for contract $1.\n$2", "CT000190": "此栏位不能以回车换行开始!", "CT000192": "The comment is too long, need to be less than 60!", "CT000070": "Please note the following instruction for order $2:\n$1", "CT000191": "此栏位不能出现半角\":\",不能以\",\"或\"。\"或\"-\"开始!", "PD000220": "CIPS要素", "CT000129": "<empty>", "CT000249": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000246": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000003": "The amount has to be positive", "CT000245": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000248": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000005": "More than 20 levels in headquarter/housebank sequence for account defaulting.\nMost likely result of a circular definition in DBIPTY. Please check.", "CT000247": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000242": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000241": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入", "CT000123": "请输入查询条件", "CT000244": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000243": "请按顺序先输入COV收款非银行支付机构地址1", "CT000084": "The contract $1 is defined in another entity.\nPlease reroute incoming message to the appropriate entity\nor use a different contract.", "CT000083": "Contract with reference $1 already stored in database.\nNew contract cannot be stored in background.", "CT000240": "COV收款人开户行行号和COV收款非银行支付机构账号只可输入一项", "CT000080": "The following transactions for contract \'$1\' are waiting for recalculation of predecessors:\n$2 transactions for this contract cannot be entered until recalculation has been finished.", "CT000136": "Line $1 must not start with a slash (\'/\').", "CT000257": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000135": "Line $1 has to start with a slash (\'/\').", "CT000256": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入", "CG000024": "电汇凭证", "CT000138": "The entered text for Tag :$1: in message $2 contains a backslash at the beginning of a row. Most likely SWIFT codes shall be used and the text has been automatically converted to be SWIFT conform. Please check result in outgoing message", "CT000259": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000258": "请按顺序先输入COV付款非银行支付机构地址1", "SG000031": "业务种类", "CT000252": "此栏位不允许输入中文,请重新输入", "CT000255": "COV付款人开户行行号和COV付款非银行支付机构账号只可输入一项", "CT000254": "COV付款人开户行行号和COV付款非银行支付机构账号必须输入一项", "CT000130": "<empty>", "CT000251": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "PD000001": "CMT100要素", "SG000028": "付款人地址", "SG000027": "付款人名称", "SG000026": "收款人地址", "CT000026": "No contract available for transaction", "SG000025": "收款人名称", "CT000025": "Previous transactions for contract \'$1\' are still waiting to be released.\nIf any of them is rejected or repaired, your new transaction will be sent to repair as well.", "CT000300": "此栏位不允许输入中文", "CT000267": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000028": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe contract is not available in this transaction.", "CT000021": "An existing contract is required to execute this transaction.\nEither no contract was passed or the passed contract is deleted.\nThe transaction cannot be executed. Please install the contract first.", "SG000020": "收款人账号", "CT000263": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000265": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000260": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000262": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", "CT000261": "此栏位不允许输入<,>,&,\'和\"", }