export default { "CF000036": "收费币种", "CF000037": "结算币种", "CF000034": "角色", "CF000032": "细节", "CT000317": "According to the terms and conditions of above mentioned contract we settle as follows:", "S0000027": "单据编号", "S0000028": "类型", "PD000020": "帐务细节信息", "CT000327": "$1 $3 at the rate of $4", "CF000043": "帐户", "CT000326": "$1 $3 at the rate of $4", "CF000044": "Separating", "CT000406": "Value date $1", "CT000328": "$1 $3 at the rate of $4", "CF000042": "显示", "CT000367": "User decided not to use temporary settlement created at $1 in this transaction.", "CT000323": "Total", "CT001699": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Foreign charges are not printed in Bolero message. Please check.", "CT000003": "Please read the following settlement instructions\n\n$1", "CT000366": "Temporary settlement created at $1 has been picked up.", "CT000322": "Settlement", "CT000325": "$1 $3 at the rate of $4", "CT001576": "", "CT000445": "There is a negative amount in SWIFT", "CT000324": "Total", "CT000363": "The user decided to leave transaction as there are more than one temporary settlements for contract.", "CT000362": "There are more than one temporary settlements stored for contract.\nDo you want to exit transaction to select one of them?", "CT000321": "Inconsistent settlement defaulting switched off - Use \'Check\' to reactivate", "CT000365": "There is a temporary settlement stored at $1 for contract.\nDo you want to use it in this transaction?", "CT000320": "Fee- and settlement defaulting inconsistent and therefore switched off.\nPlease change basic data for consistent defaulting.\nSettlement defaulting will be switched on again when checking or saving transaction.", "CT000364": "There are pending temporary settlements.", "S0000002": "参考号", "PD000015": "帐务", "CT000419": "disposition", "CT000418": "account currency", "CT000459": "Can not sum up foreign charges as foreign charges in more than one currency found for account of role $1. Please check outgoing message carefully.", "CT001703": "Credit entry for foreign fees detected.", "CT000458": "$1 ( IBAN $2 )", "CT001704": "Credit entry for foreign fees detected.", "CF000011": "Recalc. Rates", "CT000417": "fee currency", "CT001701": "Credit entry for own fees detected.", "CT001702": "Credit entry for own fees detected.", "CT000411": "Cannot set default $1 in contract.\nThe $1 will only be used in this transaction.", "CT001589": "Score MT 793 can not be created, as issuing date could not be determined.", "CT000014": "Settlement has been recalculated since last viewed.\nPlease check settlement and click the same button again.", "CT000454": "Less Reduction Amount $1", "CT001700": "\"TotalBankChargeAmount\" cannot be printed in Boleromessage.", "CT001587": "Charges and/ or commissions in currency different to the collection amount are settled. These charges must be added manually in tag 72", "CT001588": "Score MT 781 can not be printed, as guarantee commission is debited in more than one line.", "CT000011": "Your account has not been affected.", "CT000374": "User decided not to use temporary settlement created for $1 for contract $2.", "CT000451": "Attention, MT 799 instead of MT 768 is generated because more than one line is settled for $1.", "CT000373": "The user decided to leave transaction as picked up temporary settlement is for other contract.", "CT001586": "Charges and/ or commissions in currency different to the collection amount are settled. These charges must be added manually in tag 72", "CT000013": "Save interrupted due to settlement changes", "CT000453": "Attention, MT 799 instead of MT 769 is generated because more than one line is settled for $1.", "CT000012": "Continue saving transaction as settlement has not changed", "CT000375": "Image of temporary settlement not found - old data have not been loaded", "T0000013": "Settlement / Main module", "CT000370": "Temporary settlement created at $1 has been picked up", "S0000003": "类型", "CT000372": "Are you sure you want to load a temporary Settlement that has been created for $1 in $2?", "CT000371": "Settlement was inconsistent during processing of transaction and was maybe manually corrected by the creating user.\nPlease check fees carefully.", "PD000045": "帐务", "PD000000": "结算", "CT000309": "The document amount has to be positive.", "CT000308": "This contract is overdrawn by $1", "CT000429": "Are you sure that you want to advise fees to $1 with message sent by SWIFT?", "CT000426": "There are more than one temporary settlements stored for contract.", "CT000425": "CAUTION: Temporary settlement cannot be read and thus not be marked as done.\nPlease cancel temporary settlement sepeartely.", "CT000428": "The reduction amount can not be higher than the amount settled.", "CT000427": "The transaction cannot be executed as picked up temporary settlement is for other contract.", "CT000466": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Please check carefully.", "CT000422": "The old temporary settlement created for $2 at $1 does not exist anymore.\n\nCAUTION: The temporary settlement will be reloaded and thus overwrite changes done in the picked up transaction.\nPlease check settlement carefully.\n\nDo you want to load a new one?", "SF000031": "减少后的结算金额", "CT000465": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Please check.", "CT000421": "fee grouping", "SF000030": "减少的金额", "SF000033": "注释", "CT000424": "Settlement", "CT000423": "Temporary settlements without amounts settled are not permitted.\nPlease change type to final or settle amounts.", "CT000467": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Please check carefully.", "CT000462": "Can not sum up foreign charges as more than one currency is found for role $1. Amount in TAG :M39: is set to zero. Please check outgoing message carefully.", "CT001596": "Details of fees:", "CF000029": "Recalc. Rates", "CT000461": "Can not sum up foreign charges as more than one currency found for account of $1. Foreign charges (:M30:) are not printed. Please check.", "CT000464": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Foreign charges (:33R:) are not printed. Please check.", "CT000420": "account", "CT000463": "Can not sum up foreign charges as more than one currency found for role $1. Foreign charges (:M37:) are not printed. Please check.", "CT001595": "Total amount of fees: $1 $2", "CT001592": "We settle the following charges via $1:", }