export default { "CF000319": "Current Amendment modified", "CG000363": "Red/Green Clause", "CG000364": "Spec. Pay. Cond. for Beneficiary", "CT000039": "The expiry date has to be later then new shipment date.", "CG000365": "Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only", "CT000038": "The new expiry date must be in the future.", "CT000033": "Conditional selected for transshipment. Please ensure that transshipment condition is stated somewhere else.", "CT000032": "Please lower the Amendment number. No more than $1 amendments are allowed.", "CT000035": "第一个字符不能是:", "S0000310": "Current Amendment", "CT000034": "Conditional selected for partial shipment. Please ensure that partial shipment condition is stated somewhere else.", "CT000031": "The presentation period isn\'t equal to the period between shipment date and expiry date.", "CT000030": "Instructions to Bank", "PD000306": "Instr. to P, A, N. Bank (Amend)", "S0000307": "Instructions to Paying, Accepting, Negotiating Bank", "S0000308": "Original Text", "S0000309": "Historic Overview", "PD000021": "Narrative", "SF000338": "Days", "CT000047": "Conditional selected for partial shipment. Please ensure that partial shipment condition is stated somewhere else.", "CT000049": "Conditional selected for transshipment. Please ensure that transshipment condition is stated somewhere else.", "SF000057": "Name", "SF000056": "Reference", "CT000043": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.", "SF000059": "Amend. No", "CT000046": "Please lower the Amendment number. No more than $1 amendments are allowed.", "SF000058": "Amendment Date", "CT000045": "The amendment date can not be before the issuance date", "CT000040": "The expiry date has to be later then shipment date.", "SG000356": "Historic Overview", "SF000064": "Nominal Amount", "S0000095": "Historic overview of narratives", "SF000063": "Amended", "S0000370": "Historic Overview", "SG000354": "Documents Required", "S0000096": "Current Amendment", "SF000066": "New Shipment Date", "SG000353": "Historic Overview", "SF000065": "New Expiry Date", "SF000068": "Shipment Date", "SF000101": "Amount Specification", "CT000055": "\"ISP LATEST VERSION\" is not permitted for channel DTA.", "SF000067": "Date of Expiry", "CT000054": "The presentation period isnot equal to the period between shipment date and expiry date.", "SG000350": "Presentation Period", "SF000069": "Total Amendment", "S0000366": "Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary", "CT000050": "The confirmation might be handled manually", "S0000367": "Historic Overview", "CT000053": "Special Payment conditions for receiving bank", "S0000369": "Special Payment Conditions for Bank Only", "CT000052": "Special Payment conditions for beneficiary", "SF000060": "Original Data", "SF000062": "Maximum Amount", "SF000061": "Tolerance +/- %", "PD000320": "Reject amendment", "CF000100": "Create Amendment Message", "CG000332": "Cancellation Request", "SF000076": "Actual Amendment No", "SF000351": "Days", "SF000072": "New Data", "CG000329": "拒绝此次修改", "SG000335": "New Presentation Period", "SG000334": "Details for Charges", "SG000333": "Amendm. charge by", "SG000330": "Purpose of message", "PD000105": "Goods (Amend.)", "CF000081": "", "PD000340": "Spe. pay conditions Ben (Amend.)", "PD000341": "Spe.pay.cond.bank only (Amend)", "SG000327": "修改日期", "CT000008": "Amount tolerance has to be positive", "CT000007": "Please enter amount tolerance without a sign", "SG000325": "修改金额", "SG000324": "次修改", "CT000009": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.", "SG000323": "第", "CT000006": "Send Request to", "S0000360": "Additional Conditions", "S0000361": "Historic Overview", "S0000358": "Description of Goods and/or Services", "CT000019": "Content of field Presentation Period differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !", "CT000018": "New Expiry Date is before Shipment Date. Please enter new Shipment date!", "CF000097": "Add. Amount", "SF000262": "Description of Goods", "CT000015": "Content of field(s) $1 differ(s) from the original content of tag 79 and has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully!", "SF000261": "Description of Goods (Amendment)", "CT000017": "Latest shipment date must be prior to expiry date!", "SF000263": "Description of Goods (History of Amendment)", "CT000016": "Content of field Current Amendment differs from the original content of tag 79 and has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully!", "SF000266": "Documents Required (Amendment)", "SF000265": "Documents Required", "CT000010": "The amount may not be smaller than the original additional amount.", "SF000267": "Documents Required (History of Amendment)", "CF000260": "...", "PD000001": "Amendment", "CF000268": "...", "CF000264": "...", "CT000029": "Additional Conditions", "CT000026": "修改日期", "SF000272": "Additional Conditions (History of Amendment)", "CT000025": "减额金额", "CT000028": "Documents Required", "CT000027": "Description of Goods", "CT000022": "Amendment Narrative", "CT000021": "All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.The amendment fee and the cable charge will be borne by * the beneficiary * the applicant.", "CF000269": "Red/Green Clause", "CT000024": "Cur", "CT000023": "Own Reference", "PD000114": "Add. Con. (Amend.)", "PD000359": "Add. Con. (Amend.)", "SF000271": "Additional Conditions", "SF000270": "Additional Conditions (Amendment)", "PD000110": "Doc's (Amend.)", "PD000352": "Doc's (Amend.)", "PD000355": "Goods (Amend.)", }