export default { "SF000127": "Begin Date", "SF000129": "Per Date", "SF000128": "End Date", "CT000158": "End Date", "CT000157": "Begin Date", "SG000176": "价税分离", "CT000077": "Condition(s)", "CT000154": "Sector", "CF000118": "Modification of Description Allowed in Settlement", "CT000076": "< < Not defined > >", "CT000153": "Party", "CT000156": "The begin date has to be after the end date.", "SF000125": "Accruing Account", "CT000079": "Country", "CT000078": "Region", "CT000155": "Entity", "CT000150": "Split", "CT000152": "Rate", "CT000151": "Calcul. Rule", "PD000105": "fee / short version", "S0000107": "Relevant Amount", "S0000108": "Feecode", "CT000071": "Relevant Transaction(s) & Business Sector(s)", "PD000100": "Fee Conditions", "CF000124": "Headquarter", "CF000123": "Entity", "CF000120": "Bus.Sector", "SF000130": "Group Code", "SG000168": "Tax Account", "CT000048": "Feecode", "CT000125": "Income", "CT000168": "No default condition for fee $1 found. Do you want to add it?", "CT000124": "< < No conditions selected > >", "CT000049": "Relevant Amount", "CT000044": "Language", "CT000165": "End.Dat.", "CT000043": "\"$1\" is not a business sector nor a transaction.\nPlease enter business sector codes and transaction codes\nseperated by \"+\" where this fee should be available.", "CT000164": "Beg.Dat.", "CT000045": "Description", "CT000161": "End.Dat.", "CT000160": "Beg.Dat", "CT000042": "Can\'t find transaction \"$1\".\nPlease enter business sector codes and transaction codes\nseperated by \"+\" where this fee should be available.", "CT000041": "Can\'t find business sector \"$1\".\nPlease enter business sector codes and transaction codes\nseperated by \"+\" where this fee should be available.", "CT000080": "Headquarter", "SF000028": "SWIFT / DTA Code", "SF000027": "Fee Payer (Default)", "CT000059": "Default Payer", "CF000018": "", "SF000024": "Account", "SF000023": "Fee Code", "SF000025": "Booking Type", "T0000126": "Panel for Fee Definition", "CT000050": "Description in SWIFT", "PD000000": "Fee Panel", "CF000102": "Region", "CF000103": "Country", "CF000101": "Default", "SF000117": "Usable in", "CT000109": "Default", "CF000020": "Income", "CT000108": "< < Due to selection not all conditions are printed > >", "CT000147": "Fixamt", "CT000103": "Calculation Rule", "CT000146": "High Amount", "SF000030": "Relevant Amount", "CT000069": "Modification in Settlement Allowed?", "CT000102": "High Amount", "CT000149": "Delete", "CT000105": "Rate Calculation", "CT000148": "Edit", "CT000104": "Amount per Unit", "CT000143": "Cond.", "CF000106": "", "CT000022": "Statistic Flag", "CT000021": "Account", "CT000142": "Name", "CT000145": "Low Amount", "CF000104": "Party", "CT000101": "Low Amount", "CT000144": "Name", "CT000100": "Condition", "PD000119": "Fee", "PD000111": "List of Fees", }