export default {
	"SF000239": "Confirmed on",
	"CT000239": "We\'ve added our confirmation on $1",
	"PD000070": "Acknowledgment of Confirmation",
	"PD000080": "Reply Document - Assignment",
	"PD000071": "Confirmation of Doc. Credit",
	"SF000074": "%",
	"CT000179": "We have added our confirmation on $1.",
	"CT000223": "Silent Confirmation under a Documentary Credit",
	"CT000204": "Confirmation of a Documentary Credit",
	"CT000226": "Customer Reply for Silent Confirmation - Notice of Assignment under a Documentary Credit",
	"SF000076": "Confirmation Status",
	"SF000057": "Condition",
	"SF000059": "Confirmation",
	"CT000211": "Cancelation of L/C Confirmation",
	"CT000232": "To indicate your agreement please let us have a Free Format Message \"Acceptance of offer silent confirmation\", which must be received by us by seven working days from today at the latest.",
	"CT000240": "We\'ve cancelled our confirmation on $1",
	"SF000060": "Confir. Requested on",
	"CT000181": "We have canceled our confirmation.",
	"PD000075": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000045": "MT 742 Reimbursement Claim",
	"PD000056": "Confirmation",
	"PD000078": "Cancelation of L/C Confirmation",
	"PD000069": "Silent Confirmation",