export default {
	"CF000553": "&Add New",
	"CT000958": "Errorcode \'$1\' is set.\nFunction DOCISM\\GetCtrAmt has to be corrected.",
	"CF000551": "Attach",
	"CT000953": "Errorcode \'$1\' is set.\nFunction TRNDOC.GetOwnRef has to be corrected.",
	"CT000956": "Errorcode \'$1\' is set.\nFunction DOCISM\\GetCtrAmt has to be corrected.",
	"CT001008": "Our Reference",
	"CT000955": "Errorcode \'$1\' is set.\nFunction TRNDOC.GetYourRef has to be corrected.",
	"CT001125": "Info",
	"HF000558": "Use Infosystem to attach messages of other contracts.",
	"CT001004": "Your Reference",
	"CT001126": "Connected Documents",
	"HF000559": "Use this button to attach messages related to this contract.",
	"CT001123": "Please refer to attached documents:",
	"CF000557": "Show Previous Outgoing Messages",
	"CT000550": "Transaction",
	"CT001003": "Contract amount",
	"CT001000": "Truncation occurred on tag \'$1\'. Content has more than $2 lines.",
	"CT001088": "Attachment not created.\n$1",
	"CT001121": "Please refer to attached documents:",
	"CF000555": "",
	"CT000552": "Rel Amount",
	"CF000556": "Show Incoming Messages",
	"S0000552": "Outgoing Correspondence, Attachments and other Documents",
	"CT000551": "Result so far:",
	"PD000546": "Attachments",
	"CT001085": "Cannot add attachment",
	"CT001082": "Original of \'$1\'",
	"CT001083": "Cannot add attachment to role, please select document!",
	"CT001080": "Internal",
	"CT001081": "Copy of \'$1\'",
	"CG001207": "国内证通知书",
	"CT004809": "unknown",
	"CT001138": "Revocable Transferable Letter of Credit",
	"PD000529": "&Messages",
	"CT001139": "Irrevocable Transferable Standby Letter of Credit",
	"CT001015": "New content",
	"CT001136": "Revocable Letter of Credit",
	"CT000566": "TRADE FINANCE",
	"CT001137": "Revocable Standby Letter of Credit",
	"CT001134": "Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit",
	"CT001014": "Old content",
	"CT001135": "Irrevocable Transferable Letter of Credit",
	"CT001099": "Dont know how to attach type \'$1\'",
	"CT001133": "Irrevocable Letter of Credit",
	"CT001097": "Cannot add attachment",
	"CT001098": "Attachment not created.\n$1",
	"CT001095": "Cannot display internal document \'$1\'",
	"CT001096": "Cannot add attachment to role, please select document!",
	"CT001093": "Date",
	"CT001094": "Show",
	"CT001091": "Cre.TRN",
	"CT001092": "Document",
	"PD001185": "Attach To",
	"CT001090": "Type",
	"CT000976": "Phone",
	"CT004817": "An auto-converted free format message will be created instead of the dedicated electronic message as the selected channel does not support handling of Standby L/Cs anymore.",
	"CT000975": "TRADE FINANCE",
	"CT000977": "Fax",
	"CT001149": "According to UCP",
	"CT000973": "S.W.I.F.T.",
	"CT001148": "Not exceeding",
	"CT001025": "Following new terms and conditions have been declared",
	"CT001021": "Following terms and conditions have been changed",
	"CT000986": "Clerk",
	"CT000587": "Fax",
	"CT000586": "Phone",
	"CT000985": "e-mail",
	"CT001152": "Allowed",
	"CT001153": "Not Allowed",
	"CT001150": "Allowed",
	"CT001151": "Not Allowed",
	"CT000877": "Trx",
	"CT000910": "SWIFT",
	"CT000912": "TRADE FINANCE",
	"CT000878": "Trx",
	"CT000911": "TRADE FINANCE",
	"CT000994": "Contract number: $1",
	"CT000993": ",",
	"CT001205": "由于参考号栏位不允许以斜杠开头和结尾,并且不允许有双斜杠\n因此系统自动将原参考号$1调整为$2",
	"CT000995": "Your reference: $1",
	"CT001203": "请在Attachments页面下,将SWIFT作为附件绑定到TCO报文下!",
	"CT000909": "Telex",
	"CT000925": "Department",
	"CT000924": "Sender of message:",
	"CT000806": "SWIFT",
	"CT000805": "Telex",
	"CT000926": "Date:",
	"CT000921": "Trx",
	"CT000920": "Trx",
	"CT000923": "Department within sender:",
	"CT000922": "End of message",
	"SF000545": "Correspondence",
	"RG001206": "{\'witch\'|",
	"CT001109": "Nothing to show!",
	"CT001107": "Document not created.\n$1",
	"CT001108": "Free Message",
	"CT001105": "&Detach",
	"CF000539": "Lang.",
	"CT001106": "\'$1\' via $2",
	"CT001103": "S&uppress",
	"CF000537": "Medium",
	"CT001104": "&Delete",
	"CF000538": "Dispatch Type",
	"CT001101": "Dont know how to display type \'$1\'",
	"CF000535": "Role of receiver",
	"CT001189": "Role",
	"CF000536": "Description",
	"CT001069": "No",
	"CT001187": "Cannot add attachment",
	"CT001066": "Amount Specification",
	"CT001100": "Document no longer found",
	"CT001188": "Attachment not created.\n$1",
	"CT001185": "Cannot find message which attachment will be added.",
	"CT001186": "Cannot add attachment to role, please select document!",
	"CT001065": "Amount Tolerance",
	"CT001184": "There is not any vailable message which can carry attachments.",
	"CT000807": "Phone",
	"CT000928": "Letter without signature",
	"CF000542": "CC",
	"CF000543": "Show",
	"CF000540": "Form",
	"CF000541": "Or.",
	"CF001198": "",
	"CT000547": "Transaction Summary",
	"CT001118": "Attachment not created.\n$1",
	"CT000549": "Requirements:",
	"CT000548": "LC Reference Number",
	"CT000944": "Enclosure(s)",
	"CT001116": "Attachment not created as file cannot be copied.\n$1",
	"CG001188": "Cancel",
	"CF000548": "D&etails",
	"CF000549": "Delete",
	"CT001112": "Cannot add attachment to role, please select document!",
	"CT001113": "Cannot add attachment",
	"CF000547": "Sho&w",
	"CG001184": "Attach to",
	"CT001077": "&Delete",
	"CT001110": "$1",
	"CT001198": "Truncation occurred on tag :77J:, Content has more than 40 lines.",
	"CF000544": "Details",
	"CG001187": "Apply",
	"CT001111": "Please refer to attached documents:",
	"CT001075": "Attachment:",
	"CT001076": "S&uppress",
	"SG001186": "Attach selected message to",
	"CT001071": "<empty>",
	"CT001192": "Per Medium",
	"CT001072": "<empty>",
	"CT001190": "Name",
	"CT001070": "Yes",
	"CT001191": "Description",