export default { "CF000279": "...", "CG000405": "修改次数", "CG000406": "拒绝修改标志", "CF000354": "Red/Green Clause", "CG000407": "拒绝修改理由", "CF000274": "...", "CF000350": "...", "S0000392": "拒绝修改标志", "SF000283": "Original Text", "S0000393": "修改理由", "SF000286": "ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS", "SF000285": "Current Amendment", "SF000288": "Original Text", "S0000352": "Instructions to Paying, Accepting, Negotiating Bank", "SF000287": "Historic Overview", "CF000357": "...", "S0000388": "目的地/交货地(港)", "PD000347": "Instructions to P, A, N. Bank", "SF000282": "Historic Overview", "SF000281": "Current Amendment", "PD000021": "Narrative", "PD000102": "Add. Con. (Amend.)", "CF000366": "受益人加保兑", "CF000367": "受益人接受修改", "CF000364": "Current Amendment modified", "CT000008": "Amount tolerance has to be positive", "CT000007": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.", "PD000094": "Goods (Amend.)", "CT000009": "Please enter amount tolerance without a sign", "CT000006": "Please input the Amendment Number", "PD000098": "Doc's (Amend.)", "SF000349": "Current Amendment", "SF000348": "Original Text", "S0000370": "简略信息", "S0000371": "修改日期", "S0000372": "收到信用证修改的次数", "SG000396": "原报文类型", "CT000011": "The amount may not be smaller than the original additional amount.", "S0000373": "信用证金额", "SG000395": "原发起直接参与机构", "CT000010": "Send Request to", "S0000374": "溢短装", "SG000394": "原报文标识号", "S0000375": "最大金额", "CT000012": "Content of field(s) $1 differ(s) from the original content of tag 79 and has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully!", "S0000376": "增减金额", "S0000369": "参考号", "PD000001": "Amendment", "SF000359": "DOCUMENTS REQUIRED", "S0000380": "到期日", "S0000382": "修改总金额", "SF000077": "Current Amendment", "SF000275": "DESCRIPTION OF GOODS", "S0000383": "修改后金额", "SF000351": "Historic Overview", "S0000384": "实际修改次数", "SF000079": "Historic Overview", "SF000277": "Historic Overview", "SF000078": "AMENDMENT NARRATIVE", "SF000276": "Current Amendment", "S0000377": "当前金额", "S0000378": "新到期日", }