export default { "CT000158": "CMX", "CT000279": "CMT", "CT000278": "INC", "CT000157": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被退回到单证!", "CT000159": "CMY", "CT000275": "ReRouting has been canceled.", "CT000153": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被退回到单证!", "CT000274": "您所办理的业务报文中,疑似含有监控国家。请确认后办理。\n$1", "CT000277": "该笔报文已退回到中台系统,不可继续执行此交易", "CT000276": "No row selected to route.\nPlease select row first.", "CT000150": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被take!", "CT000271": "错误:$1 \n", "CT000270": "交易发送中台系统成功!", "CT000273": "您所办理的业务报文中,疑似含有监控国家。请确认后办理。\n$1", "CT000272": "您所办理的业务报文中,疑似含有监控国家。请确认后办理。\n$1", "CT000047": "Take canceled", "CT000289": "BES", "CT000049": "Pending item $1/$2 successfully deleted.", "CT000044": "Info", "CT000286": "CMY", "CT000165": "报文退回核心失败:$1", "CT000285": "CMX", "CT000046": "Please read the following information about pending item:\n\n$1", "CT000288": "BEQ", "CT000167": "请输入退回附言再做操作!", "CT000045": "Please read the following information about pending item:\n\n$1", "CT000287": "BEP", "CT000161": "BEQ", "CT000282": "HVP", "CT000160": "BEP", "CT000281": "FMT", "CT000284": "HVR", "CT000163": "报文退回核心成功!", "CT000041": "No row selected to route.\nPlease select row first.", "CT000162": "BES", "CT000283": "HVQ", "CT000280": "BAT", "CT000179": "HVQ", "CG000069": "退回", "CT000176": "BAT", "CT000054": "Details of Pending Item", "CT000175": "CMT", "CT000057": "Order for pending item to delete is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000178": "HVP", "CT000056": "Pending item to delete is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000177": "FMT", "CT000293": "CIW", "CT000292": "CIV", "CT000053": "No row selected to show.\nPlease select row first.", "CT000174": "INC", "CT000052": "Pending entry $1 is currently blocked from being processed by another transaction.\nPlease wait for the completion of the originating transaction.", "CT000294": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被退回到单证!", "CT000291": "CIU", "CT000290": "ECM", "RG000168": "RET\', rcvdat=to_date(? where inr=?\"", "CG000295": "退回E结算", "R0000112": "INC\' and DELFLG = \' \')\"", "CT000183": "BEQ", "CT000061": "Pending item $1/$2 successfully deleted by $3 on $4 at $5.", "CT000182": "BEP", "CT000185": "ECM", "CT000184": "BES", "CT000060": "Original transaction (Ident No \'$1\') for pending item to delete is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000181": "CMY", "CT000180": "CMX", "CT000077": "Are you sure that you want to remove $1 selected items?\n\nThis action cannot be reverted.", "CT000079": "Are you sure that you want to remove item $1/$2?\n\nThis action cannot be reverted.", "CT000078": "Removing has been canceled.", "CT000089": "No row selected to delete.\nPlease select row first.", "CT000084": "Deleting has been canceled.", "CT000083": "Are you sure that you want to delete $1 items?\n\nThese items will be moved to the deleted items.", "CT000085": "Are you sure that you want to restore $1 items from the recycle bin?", "CT000080": "Removing has been canceled.", "CT000082": "Deleting has been canceled.", "CT000081": "Are you sure that you want to delete item $1/$2?\n\nThe item will be moved to the deleted items.", "RF000140": "MT\' + \"\\\" 34\" + CR", "RG000110": "CMP\' and DELFLG = \' \' and OWNUSR <> \'\" + \\SYSMOD\\USR\\EXTKEY + \"\')\"", "CT000099": "Pending item $1/$2 is no longer waiting for release or for processing.\nThus it was not sent to correction.", "CT000098": "Pending item $1/$2 is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000095": "该交易已经关联保证金。", "CT000097": "Pending item $1/$2 no longer available\nThus it was not sent to correction.", "CT000091": "Pending item to delete is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000090": "Pending item to delete not longer found.\nThus it was not deleted again.", "CT000092": "Do you really want to restore item $1/$2 from the recycle bin?", "CF000036": "Break", "CT000319": "Chlflg", "SF000049": "Reference", "CT000316": "退回成功!", "CT000315": "获取e结算流水失败,退回失败!", "CT000318": "Chlflg", "CT000317": "调用失败,错误信息:$1", "CT000312": "Pending item is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000311": "Pending item not longer found.\nThus it was not repair again.", "CT000314": "确定退回该交易?", "CT000313": "Pending item is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "SF000045": "Type of Items", "CT000310": "No row selected.\nPlease select row first.", "CF000039": "Correction", "CF000040": "Incoming", "CT000327": "这笔报文不准进入", "CT000329": "Transaction $1 is locked by $2 since $3 so it cannot be released", "CT000328": "这笔报文不准进入", "CT000325": "未收到阳光e结算汇入汇款申请报文", "CT000320": "未收到阳光e结算汇入汇款申请报文", "CG000230": "三方付汇", "SF000050": "Name", "CF000058": "&Show Inc.", "CG000228": "转电商队列", "CF000059": "&Delete", "CF000056": "&ReRouting", "CF000057": "C&onnect", "CT000217": "报文退回CIPS系统成功!", "CF000055": "&Take", "CT000216": "查询CIPS数据失败,原因:$1。是否需要继续查看报文内容?", "CT000219": "此笔报文可能为退汇,请查看报文内容后处理。", "CG000226": "转普通队列", "CT000218": "报文退回CIPS系统失败:$1", "CG000227": "发送中台", "SG000114": "and", "CT000213": "CIU", "SG000113": "Between", "CT000214": "CIV", "CG000223": "三方收汇", "CF000062": "&Infotext", "CF000060": "E&xit", "PD000042": "Menu", "CF000067": "Automatic", "CF000068": "&Undelete", "CF000065": "S&how", "CT000228": "您查看的报文中涉及高风险:$1", "CF000063": "Re&move", "CT000108": "Selected Diary item not found in the database.", "CT000224": "交易发送中台系统成功!", "CT000102": "SPR with INR $1 not found", "CT000226": "错误:$1 \n", "CT000104": "Pending item $1/$2 successfully released.", "CT000220": "此笔报文可能为退汇,请查看报文内容后处理。", "CT000101": "No row selected", "CT000100": "Pending item $1/$2 successfully sent to correction.", "CT000118": "By User", "CT000239": "Work User", "CT000117": "Status", "CT000238": "By User", "CF000231": "E-Trade", "CT000119": "Work User", "CT000114": "Reference", "CT000235": "Cur", "CT000113": "TRN", "CT000234": "Creation", "CT000116": "Creation", "CT000237": "Status", "CT000115": "Name", "CT000236": "Amt", "CT000231": "未发送中台,不能做此操作!!!!", "CT000233": "MT", "CG000170": "退回核心/CIPS", "CT000008": "Pending entry $1 is currently locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nProbably someone else is picking up the entry now.\nCheck this or pickup entry later.", "CT000129": "Amt", "CT000007": "No row selected", "CT000128": "Cur", "CT000249": "未选择或者该笔不能带入电商队列.", "CT000125": "Reference", "CT000246": "Reference", "CT000124": "TRN", "CT000245": "TRN", "CT000006": "No row selected", "CT000127": "Creation", "CT000248": "ECI", "CT000126": "Name", "CT000247": "Name", "CT000121": "Last User", "CT000242": "Info", "CT000120": "Work Branch", "CT000241": "Last User", "CG000151": "批量", "CT000123": "Infotext", "CT000244": "Infotext", "CT000122": "Info", "CT000243": "Key", "CG000153": "查看报文", "CT000240": "Work Branch", "PD000054": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction", "CT000139": "INC", "CG000148": "退回单证", "CT000015": "Pending item to delete is locked.\nPlease try again later.", "CT000136": "Key", "CT000014": "Pending item to delete not longer found.\nThus it was not deleted again.", "CT000135": "Info", "CG000144": "Incoming Payment", "CT000138": "Infotext", "CG000145": "归档", "CT000258": "此笔来报为退汇报文,请注意避免按照正常来报误操作。", "CT000016": "Pending item $1/$2 successfully removed.", "CG000146": "归档", "CT000011": "Record not found any longer", "CT000132": "Work User", "CT000253": "您查看的报文中涉及高风险:$1", "CT000010": "Pending entry $1 is currently locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nProbably someone else is picking up the entry now.\nCheck this or pickup entry later.", "CT000131": "By User", "CT000252": "您查看的报文中涉及高风险:$1", "CT000013": "No row selected to delete.\nPlease select row first.", "CT000255": "CIW", "CT000134": "Last User", "CT000012": "Do you want to process the message by connecting it?\nThis would bypass the originaly scheduled transaction $1\nand will remove the incoming message from the processing queue.", "CT000133": "Work Branch", "CT000254": "您查看的报文中涉及高风险:$1", "CG000142": "Outgoing Payment", "CT000130": "Status", "CT000251": "未选择或者该笔不能带入普通队列.", "CT000250": "INR", "CT000147": "HVP", "CT000268": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被退回到单证!", "CT000146": "此笔来报为退汇报文,不能被take!", "CT000267": "该笔报文为自动付汇报文,自动付汇服务开启期间不允许手动处理", "CT000149": "查询核心附加数据失败,是否需要继续查看报文内容?", "CT000269": "收款人账号为重点监控账号,请终止 \n此笔交易,并立即报告总行法律合规 \n部朱亚光(63639257,13911161198)、 \n于宝一(63639246,13910385041)。", "CT000148": "HVQ", "CT000022": "Record not found any longer", "CT000143": "BAT", "CT000142": "CMT", "CT000145": "FMT103退汇报文,不能被take!", "CT000024": "selected incoming message", "CT000023": "incoming message", "CT000144": "FMT", "CT000260": "收款人账号与境外恐怖组织资金募集账号一致,请终止此笔交易,并立即向当地公安机关和中国人民银行分支机构报告,同时报告总行法律合规部。", "CT000141": "MT", }