export default { "CT000037": "The amount has to be negative", "CT000036": "The amount has to be positive", "CT000039": "Either charge or refund, no mixes are allowed.\nPlease make sure to settle or advise either only and store other fees in pool for role $1.", "SG000056": "Discount rate", "SG000055": "Discounted fee(after)", "SG000054": "Discount Amount", "CF000047": "&Info", "CT000008": "Manual added fee", "CT000007": "Calculated from condition because settled to different party in different currency", "CT000048": "Own Fee Details $1 $2: $3 $4", "CT000006": "Condition used again because settled to different party in different currency", "CT000049": "Condition Details", "CT000044": "Already charged before: $1 $2", "CT000000": "Fee minimum of $1 $2 used for fee $3, payer $4, but not complete period settled", "SF000057": "%", "CT000043": "Now to be charged: $1 $2", "CT000002": "Couldn\'t process fee $1 / Error : $2", "CT000046": "Description of fee $1 in codetable FEETXT is longer than internal field.\nPlease check in correspondence, if fee is displayed in correct language.\nTo avoid problem, please shorten description in FEETXT for $1", "CF000049": "&Cancel", "CT000045": "Fee $1 have been amended or settled in other currencies in earlier transactions.\nPlease calculate fee $1 manually.", "CT000001": "You have changed the amount of calculation.\nPlease enter end date of period paid with this amount manually.\nIf the date is already correct, clear it and retype it after tab out.", "S0000002": "Code", "CT000040": "Feetext of fee $1 has been modified. Please check in correspondence, if manually defined text is in correct language.", "CT000042": "Refund: $1 $2", "CT000041": "No further calculation as already more has been charged", "CF000050": "Apply", "CT000019": "The to-date has to be later than the from-date", "CT000018": "Rate", "CT000014": "Role $1 no longer available.\n Please select again using available parties", "CT000017": "Amount / Unit", "S0000053": "Details of Calculation", "S0000011": "Details of Calculation", "S0000012": "Amount to be conv.", "S0000013": "Period calculation starting at", "CT000051": "No exchange rate for $1 stored, please update the exchange rate first.", "S0000003": "Code Text", "CT000050": "Please enter a fee code for this amount.", "PD000048": "Details of Condition", "S0000004": "Original Amount", "S0000005": "Units", "CT000053": "Discount rate $1 could not be used!", "S0000006": "From (incl.)", "CT000052": "Discount amount $1 could not more than original fee:", "S0000007": "To (incl.)", "S0000008": "Long text", "PD000000": "Fee Details", "CF000026": "&Details", "CT000026": "Tier of $1 $2 or more selected", "CT000025": "Tier selection amount converted to $1 $2", "CT000027": "Tier selected between $1 $2 and $1 $3", "CT000024": "Condition Tier selection based on $1 i.e. $2 $3", "S0000014": "Paid by", }