export default {
	"CT000217": "Not possible, because applicant has not been financed",
	"CT000216": "Selected document contract is not yet opened",
	"CT000219": "No advice of discrepancies received for the selected set of documents",
	"CT000218": "Documents under selected set of documents have been fully settled/accepted",
	"CT000213": "Selected set of documents is already rejected or accepted",
	"RF000040": "The document set must not be refused and returned",
	"CT000212": "Selected set of documents is not closed",
	"RF000041": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000215": "There are open defered payment maturities under selected set of documents",
	"RF000042": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is opened and not closed.",
	"CT000214": "No deferred payment maturities under selected set of documents",
	"RF000043": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is opened and not closed.",
	"RF000044": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000045": "Not allowed, if no usance tenors for selected set of documents are available.",
	"CT000211": "Selected set of documents is closed",
	"RF000046": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000222": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",
	"CT000210": "No set of documents selected",
	"RF000047": "Not allowed, if no usance tenors for selected set of documents are available.",
	"RF000223": "Not allowed if the applicant has not been financed.",
	"CT000191": "11",
	"RF000037": "The documents must have been received.",
	"CT000209": "Documents under selected document contract have been advised already",
	"RF000038": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",
	"RF000039": "The documents must not have been rejected.",
	"CT000206": "Selected set of documents is closed",
	"CT000205": "No set of documents selected",
	"CT000208": "Documents under selected document contract have not been received yet",
	"CT000207": "Documents under selected document contract have been received already",
	"CT000224": "Please do late payment first.",
	"RF000030": "This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.",
	"CT000204": "Documents under selected document contract have been advised already",
	"RF000031": "If an existing document set is selected, the documents must not have been received yet.",
	"CT000203": "Documents under selected document contract have not been received yet",
	"CT000225": "单据状态为$1,不能做此业务",
	"RF000032": "This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.",
	"CT000220": "Goods under selected set of documents have been released already",
	"RF000033": "If an existing document set is selected, it must not be closed and the goods must not be released yet.",
	"RF000034": "This transaction creates a new Import L/C Document Set contract.",
	"RF000035": "If an existing document set is selected, the documents must not have been advised or received yet.",
	"CT000221": "Selected set of documents has already been refused and returned",
	"RF000036": "An existing Import L/C Document Set contract, which is not closed.",