export default {
	"SF000247": "Payer",
	"CT000157": "Advice of Discharge",
	"S0000250": "Received on",
	"CT000159": "This date must not be in the past!",
	"CT000153": "Authorisation to Pay, Accept or Negotiate",
	"SF000246": "Presented by",
	"CT000155": "Advice of Payment/ Acceptance",
	"CT000150": "The Received on Date cannot be in the future",
	"CT000171": "Reduction amount is equal to the amount settled. If this is correct, please set checkbox to `Free of Payment`.",
	"PD000268": "Shipping Guarantee",
	"CT000152": "No more utilisations possible as the maximum number of 999 has been reached.",
	"CT000151": "Documents already sent",
	"S0000249": "Presentation Date",
	"CT000190": "We acknowledge receipt of documents and will settle as follows:",
	"SF000260": "Document Condition",
	"SF000282": "Accept Amount",
	"PD000020": "Navigation Buttons of Transaction",
	"PD000264": "Advice of Discharge",
	"PD000047": "Release of Goods",
	"CF000288": "...",
	"CT000147": "Could not update the party record for the applicant with stop data.",
	"CT000187": "A selection must be made.",
	"CT000186": "** Stoplevel $1 from $2 on $3",
	"SG000283": "Select MT to be sent to presenting bank",
	"CT000188": "Document type not allowed. In case the documentary credit is available by negotiation at sight, please select Sight documents. Otherwise Usance.",
	"CT000161": "You must enter a reference number of the relevant transport document(s)",
	"CT000160": "Please specify, how the goods should be released",
	"PD000257": "Document Presentation 1st Mail",
	"CT000185": "Redemption of Shipping Guarantee",
	"PD000259": "Document Presentation 2nd Mail",
	"CT000181": "message",
	"CT000180": "Advice of Discrepancy (SWIFT MT750)",
	"PD000272": "Maturity Message",
	"PD000032": "Utilizing Usance Documents",
	"PD000252": "Authorisation to Pay/Accept/Nego",
	"PD000274": "Redemption of Shipping Guarantee",
	"PD000254": "Advice of Payment/ Acceptance",
	"PD000276": "Acknowledgment",