export default {
	"CT000399": "联行名称",
	"CT000039": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CF000438": "Get",
	"CT000033": "Don\'t use more than the available amount",
	"CT000154": "IZV Debit to $2",
	"CT000396": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000032": "Please use positive amounts only",
	"CT000153": "IZV Credit to $2",
	"CT000398": "联行行号",
	"CT000034": "Don\'t use more than the available amount",
	"CT000155": "Account Payer/Payee",
	"CT000397": "Code Input Error",
	"CT000392": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000391": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000031": "Please use positive amounts only",
	"CT000394": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000393": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000390": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"PD000307": "Control payment messages",
	"SG000408": "牌价时间",
	"SF000457": "代码",
	"CT000169": "GBP",
	"CT000049": "Clearing code $1 not supported",
	"CT000165": "请选择结汇方式代码!  ",
	"S0000440": "对方账号",
	"CT000285": "CMT 100 Payment to $1",
	"S0000441": "对方银行代码",
	"CT000167": "请选择交易主体!    ",
	"S0000442": "国内地区",
	"CT000166": "请选择售汇方式代码!    ",
	"CT000040": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CT000281": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000042": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CT000041": "Intermediary bank account",
	"PD000413": "preferential rate",
	"S0000439": "对方名称",
	"CT000059": "CHAPS Branch Sort Code",
	"CT000058": "Portuguese National Clearing Code",
	"CT000179": "This field is mandatory",
	"CT000055": "Bank Code of Hong Kong",
	"CT000176": "EUR",
	"CT000054": "Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code",
	"CT000175": "EUR",
	"CT000057": "Irish National Clearing Code (NSC)",
	"CT000299": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000056": "Italian Domestic Identification Code",
	"CT000177": "EUR",
	"CT000051": "Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code",
	"CT000172": "USD",
	"CT000293": "MT 202",
	"CT000050": "Austrian Bankleitzahl",
	"CT000171": "GBP",
	"CT000053": "Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number",
	"CT000174": "USD",
	"CT000052": "German Bankleitzahl",
	"CT000173": "USD",
	"S0000402": "Which MT to beneficiary institution",
	"S0000403": "Direct payment (one message)",
	"CT000170": "GBP",
	"PD000321": "Payment cover message as letter",
	"SF000236": "Amount handled",
	"CT000069": "$1 has to be numeric",
	"CT000066": "Account with institution account",
	"CT000068": "$1 too long",
	"CT000189": "Payee and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000067": "$1 too short",
	"CT000062": "CHIPS Universal Identifier",
	"CT000183": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是TRF OR BDF!!!",
	"PD000434": "CMT100",
	"CT000061": "Russian Central Bank Identification Code",
	"CT000064": "*** $2 *** $3\n\"$1\" seems to be a clearing account\nFor clearing please use clearing code preceded by \"/\" if possible.",
	"CT000185": "$1科目只能贷记不能借记!!",
	"PD000436": "new XML document panel",
	"CT000063": "CHIPS Participant Identifier",
	"PD000435": "境内外币结算",
	"CT000060": "Swiss Clearing Code (BC code)",
	"CT000181": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是BEF或BDF或NFR!!!",
	"CT000180": "$1",
	"SG000458": "虚拟户账号",
	"CT000077": "Payee",
	"CT000076": "Payer",
	"CT000079": "Payment information",
	"CT000078": "Debit information",
	"CT000073": "Payee\'s account",
	"CT000194": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000072": "Payer\'s account",
	"CT000193": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000196": "融资账号不能直接在国结系统中记账!",
	"CT000195": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000190": "Account with institution and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"PD000349": "Backup Panel",
	"CT000191": "Account party and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000408": "至少输入4个字符",
	"CT000407": "name2",
	"CT000409": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000404": "联行信息",
	"CG000433": "",
	"CT000403": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000406": "name1",
	"CT000405": "swift code",
	"CT000400": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000402": "联行信息",
	"CT000401": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000088": "The selected value date $1 of calendar \'$2\' on settlement panel is a holiday.",
	"SF000411": "卖价",
	"CT000089": "No account found in database.\nPlease add account to database first.",
	"SF000410": "中间价",
	"CT000083": "Disposition $1 not allowed for actual addresses",
	"CT000082": "Line handling the amount not found.",
	"CT000081": "Base currency only $1 $2 (EVS)",
	"SF000409": "买价",
	"PD000454": "CIPS要素",
	"PD000453": "CIPS面函",
	"CT000419": "自贸区机构不允许选择9开头的选项.",
	"CT000418": "$1",
	"CG000428": "第三方还款",
	"SG000437": "核心业务代号",
	"CT000415": "No Code selected.",
	"SF000309": "Which MT to beneficiary institution",
	"CT000417": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000416": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000411": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000410": "对手行信息",
	"CT000413": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000412": "对手行信息",
	"PD000000": "Details",
	"CT000308": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000429": "联行信息",
	"SG000427": "该客户存在如下汇率优惠:",
	"CT000305": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000426": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"SG000424": "Buy",
	"CT000304": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000425": "至少输入2个字或4位行号",
	"CT000307": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000428": "无匹配记录",
	"SG000422": "Sel",
	"CT000306": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000427": "联行信息",
	"CT000422": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000421": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000303": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000424": "参加行名称",
	"CT000423": "参加行BIC",
	"SF000310": "Direct payment (one message)",
	"CT000420": "非自贸区机构不允许选择D开头的选项",
	"PD000235": "Panel to show handled Amount",
	"CT000437": "MT 103 Payment to $2",
	"CT000439": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000438": "YYYYMMDD",
	"SF000285": "From Date",
	"S0000032": "Cross Rate",
	"S0000033": "Calculate Rate",
	"S0000025": "Value Date",
	"S0000026": "原始金额",
	"S0000027": "Rate Type",
	"S0000028": "Disposition",
	"S0000029": "Search Account for",
	"PD000020": "Detailspanel for ZM 52",
	"CT000448": "cips113 Payment to $1",
	"CT000447": "$1",
	"CT000449": "不能连续输入;+;",
	"CT000201": "境内外币支付付款指令",
	"SG000364": "科目代码",
	"CT000446": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000440": "cips111 Payment to $1",
	"CG000350": "Payment Order",
	"CG000351": "Change to Details handling Amount",
	"CT000441": "cips112 Payment to $1",
	"CF000296": "",
	"RG000435": "%\" + CTYCOD + \"%\' OR NUMCOD LIKE\'%\" + CTYCOD + \"%\' ORDER BY COD\" )",
	"CF000295": "",
	"CT000339": "如需扣减保证金,请在Cash Cover页面操作!",
	"S0000370": "传票摘要",
	"CT000333": "业务代号信息",
	"CT000336": "业务代号",
	"CT000335": "账号",
	"CT000450": "不能连续输入;+;",
	"CT000332": "查询结果为空!",
	"CT000453": "cips112 Payment to $1",
	"CT000331": "查询出错:$1",
	"CT000452": "请点击Get按钮获取核心业务代号 !",
	"S0000366": "交易主体",
	"S0000367": "结售汇类型",
	"CG000451": "?",
	"CG000452": "?",
	"CT000344": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"SG000463": "虚拟户名称",
	"S0000023": "账号",
	"CT000343": "如需扣减保证金,请在Cash Cover页面操作!",
	"S0000024": "实际金额",
	"PD000398": "Control payment messages",
	"CT000118": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000113": "Settlement Booking Details $1 $2 $3 $4",
	"CT000116": "$1:$2 $3",
	"CT000115": "($1:$2 $3)",
	"S0000352": "Account",
	"S0000353": "Amount to Be Paid",
	"CT000111": "The selected value date $1 on settlement details panel is in the past.",
	"S0000354": "Value Date",
	"CT000008": "Please use direct account relationship for Payee (if any)",
	"CT000007": "Please use direct account relationship for Payer (if any)",
	"PD000292": "Payment message as letter",
	"CT000009": "Payee and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000125": "No exchange rate for $1 stored, please update the exchange rate first",
	"CT000124": "MT $1 Payment to $2",
	"CT000006": "Please do not use our branches here",
	"S0000360": "Their Account Identif.",
	"CT000126": "Exchange rate for $1 is older than 3 days (from $2), please update the exchange rate first.",
	"S0000361": "Cross Rate",
	"CT000000": "Please select one of the available currencies",
	"RG000184": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是ITF!!!                    \' )",
	"S0000362": "External Rate",
	"CT000121": "MT 202 Cover",
	"CT000120": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"S0000363": "From Date",
	"CT000123": "TARGET Payment to $2",
	"CT000001": "This field is mandatory",
	"CT000122": "RTGSplus Payment to $2",
	"CT000364": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"S0000355": "Original Amount",
	"S0000356": "Rate Type",
	"S0000357": "Disposition",
	"S0000358": "Search Account for",
	"S0000359": "Account Party",
	"PD000294": "Detailspanel for Account with In",
	"RI000198": "MT 202 Cover\', \"COV\", SETGRP\\APY\\PTS\\ADRBLK )",
	"CT000011": "Account party and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000374": "请点击Get按钮获取核心业务代号 !",
	"CT000010": "Account with institution and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000131": "Exchange rate for $1 is older than 3 days (from $2), please update the exchange rate first.",
	"CT000373": "账号$1 的核心业务代号为:$2",
	"CT000376": "hvps111 Payment to $1",
	"CT000375": "hvps111 Payment to $1",
	"S0000443": "国别代码",
	"CT000370": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"S0000444": "交易性质",
	"CT000130": "No exchange rate for $1 stored, please update the exchange rate first",
	"CT000372": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000371": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000029": "Please don\'t use slashes here.\nThe field 72 is set up automatically",
	"CT000389": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000388": "hvps112 Payment to $1",
	"CT000264": "MT 202",
	"CT000263": "MT 202",
	"CG000372": "",
	"CT000387": "hvps112 Payment to $1",
	"CG000373": "",
	"CT000020": "The complete text including ERI has more than 6 lines:\n$1",
	"CT000383": "YYYYMMDD",