Commit ffb7dc6f by nanrui


parent c719986b
......@@ -219,10 +219,7 @@ const ReviewRouter = [
{ path: "cltset", component: ReviewCltset, name: "ReviewCltset", meta: { title: "复核-Cltset" } },
{ path: "clttra", component: ReviewClttra, name: "ReviewClttra", meta: { title: "复核-Clttra" } },
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
{ path: "lttdck", component: ReviewLttdck, name: "ReviewLttdck", meta: { title: "复核-Lttdck" } },
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
{ path: "Cptati", component: ReviewCptati, name: "ReviewCptati", meta: { title: "复核-Cptati" } },
{ path: "Cptato", component: ReviewCptato, name: "ReviewCptato", meta: { title: "复核-Cptato" } },
{ path: "Cptcan", component: ReviewCptcan, name: "ReviewCptcan", meta: { title: "复核-Cptcan" } },
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