Commit ea15a1f8 by zhoutian


parent d66e5fd4
......@@ -2661,7 +2661,23 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "信用证单据承兑", value: "1" },
docsta: [
{ label: "label", value: "INST" },
{ label: "Goods released, Adv. of Payment received", value: "A" },
{ label: "Goods released, Adv. of Payment + docs", value: "B" },
{ label: "Adv. of Payment received, wait for docs", value: "C" },
{ label: "Advice of Payment and documents received", value: "D" },
{ label: "Adv. of Discrep. received, wait for docs", value: "E" },
{ label: "Advice of Discrepancy and docs received", value: "F" },
{ label: "Documents received", value: "G" },
{ label: "Clean documents received", value: "H" },
{ label: "Discrepant documents received", value: "I" },
{ label: "Goods released, wait for documents", value: "J" },
{ label: "Goods released, documents received", value: "K" },
{ label: "Documents sent on approval basis", value: "L" },
{ label: "Documents taken up", value: "M" },
{ label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "N" },
{ label: "Discrepant document received in trust", value: "T" },
{ label: "Other Type of Advice, wait for documents", value: "O" },
{ label: "Documents have been refused and returned", value: "R" },
doctyp: [
{ label: "买方单据", value: "BDD" },
......@@ -3628,6 +3644,109 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Transaction", value: "TRN" },
{ label: "Database", value: "DBF" },
{label:"2nd Advising Bank",value:"A2B"},
{label:"2.Adv.Bk. Transfer",value:"A2T"},
{label:"Acc. with Bank (ACB)",value:"ACB"},
{label:"Accounting Bank",value:"ACC"},
{label:"Search Account for",value:"ACT"},
{label:"Acc. with Bank (AcW)",value:"ACW "},
{label:"Adv.Bank APL Side",value:"ADA"},
{label:"Adv.Bank Transfer",value:"ADT"},
{label:"Advising Bank",value:"ADV"},
{label:"Correspondent Bank",value:"AGB"},
{label:"2nd Applicant",value:"AP2"},
{label:"3rd Applicant",value:"AP3"},
{label:"4th Applicant",value:"AP4"},
{label:"5th Applicant",value:"AP5"},
{label:"Applicant's Bank",value:"APB"},
{label:"Account Party",value:"APY"},
{label:"2nd Adv. thr.Bank",value:"AT2"},
{label:"1st Adv. thr. Bank",value:"ATB"},
{label:"Available with Bank",value:"AVB"},
{label:"Avail. w.Bank Tr.",value:"AVT"},
{label:"Account with Inst.",value:"AWl"},
{label:"2nd Benef.'s Bank",value:"B2B"},
{label:"1st Beneficiary",value:"BE1"},
{label:"2nd Beneficiary",value:"BE2"},
{label:"Beneficiary's Bank",value:"BEB"},
{label:"Benef.'s lnstitution",value:"BEI"},
{label:"Buyer 1",value:"BU1"},
{label:"Buyer 2",value:"BU2"},
{label:"Buyer 3",value:"BU3"},
{label:"Carrier (CAR)",value:"CAR"},
{label:"Claiming Bank",value:"CLB"},
{label:"Our Client",value:"CLI"},
{label:"2nd Collecting Bank",value:"CO2"},
{label:"Collecting Bank",value:"COL"},
{label:"Confirming Bank",value:"CON"},
{label:"2nd Accountee",value:"CT2"},
{label:"3rd Accountee",value:"CT3"},
{label:"4th Accountee",value:"CT4"},
{label:"5th Accountee",value:"CT5"},
{label:"Delivery Group",value:"DEG"},
{label:"Drawee (DRE)",value:"DRE"},
{label:"Drawee Bank",value:"DRO"},
{label:"Drawee (DRW)",value:"DRW"},
{label:"Advanced Party",value:"FIA"},
{label:"Financed Party",value:"FIP"},
{label:"Account Held by",value:"HOL"},
{label:"Init. Inst.",value:"IIB"},
{label:"Initiating inst.",value:"INI"},
{label:"Intermediary bank",value:"INT"},
{label:"Invoice Party",value:"INV"},
{label:"Issuing Bank",value:"ISS"},
{label:"Negotiation Bank",value:"NEG"},
{label:"Notily Party",value:"NOP"},
{label:"Old Account Party",value:"OAP"},
{label:"Old Buyer",value:"OBU"},
{label:"Old Invoice Party",value:"OIN"},
{label:"Ordering Customer",value:"ORC"},
{label:"Ordering Institution",value:"ORI"},
{label:"Futher Party",value:"OTH"},
{label:"Presenter (PRP)",value:"PRB"},
{label:"Presenting Bnk",value:"PRE"},
{label:"Presenter (PRB)",value:"PRP"},
{label:"Paying Bank",value:"PYB"},
{label:"Remboursement Bank 1",value:"RB1"},
{label:"Remboursement Bank 2",value:"RB2"},
{label:"Reimbursement Bank",value:"RMB"},
{label:"Remitting Bank",value:"RMI"},
{label:"Beneficiary (Paym.)",value:"RMS"},
{label:"Reimb. Bank Transfer",value:"RMT"},
{label:"Carrier (ROG)",value:"ROG"},
{label:"Payer / Payee",value:"ROL"},
{label:"Receiver of 2nd mail",value:"RSM"},
{label:"Account Serviced by",value:"SER"},
{label:"Third Party",value:"TPO"},
{label:"1st Third Party .",value:"TP1"},
{label:"2nd Third Party",value:"TP2"},
{label:"3rd Third Party",value:"TP3"},
{label:"4th Third Party",value:"TP4"},
{label:"5th Third Party",value:"TP5"},
{label:"6th Third Party",value:"TP6"},
{label:"7th Third Party",value:"TP7"},
{label:"8th Third Party",value:"TP8"},
{label:"9th Third Party",value:"TP9"},
{label:"3rd Remb Institution",value:"TRI"},
{label:"Credit Party",value:"UMH"},
{label:"Debit Party",value:"UMS"},
lcrtyp: [
{ label: "可转让", value: "IT" },
{ label: "不可转让", value: "I" },
......@@ -3930,6 +4049,13 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Pending Items Manager", value: "spttsk" },
{ label: "Outgoing Workflow Manager", value: "mgrtsk" },
{label:"2nd Advising Bank",value:"A2B"},
{label:"Advising Bank",value:"ADV"},
mhtyp: [
{ label: "更换单据", value: "A" },
{ label: "二次到单", value: "R" },
......@@ -5630,6 +5756,14 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "TD Metafile Viewer", value: "TMF" },
{ label: "Formatted Display", value: "SWT" },
{label:"Mixed Payment Documents",value:"M"},
{label:"Sight Documents",value:"P"},
{label:"Usance Documents(Acceptance)",value:"A"},
{label:"Usance Documents(Deferred)",value:"D"},
vouflg: [
{ label: "申报", value: "1" },
{ label: "不申报", value: "2" },
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
<c-grid-ety-prompt-dialog ref="etyDialog" :promptData="promptData" v-on:select-ety="selectEty">
......@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ export default {
pattern: Pattern,
rules: null,
codes: {
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