Commit d40401fb by lianyang


parent f9d8f3ab
......@@ -3144,6 +3144,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Deal Message", value: "E_M" },
{ label: "Issuance", value: "ISS" },
exdtyp: [
{ label: "对方是境外联属机构,即双方有共同母公司,但相互持有表决权<10%或相互不持有表决权", value: "3" },
{ label: "对方是境外直接投资企业,即10%及以上的境外分支机构、子机构、联营机构或合营机构", value: "2" },
{ label: "对方是境外直接投资者,即持有本机构/被代理居民机构/委托人表决权≥10%", value: "1" },
{ label: "对方与本机构/被代理居民机构/委托人无关联关系、关系未知,或两机构均处于中国境内", value: "4" },
exe: [
{ label: "Executable", value: "Y" },
{ label: "Not Executable", value: "N" },
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