Commit b9b451d0 by lsk


parent 9aaff1d9
......@@ -342,29 +342,32 @@ export default {
searchToggle: true,
stmData: {
columns: [
'1 1 "Reference" 120 ',
'2 1 "Resp. User" 1200 ',
'3 1 "PYE NO." 120 ',
'1 2 "Party Number" 150',
'2 2 "Payee Customer" 150',
'3 2 "PYE.Customer CN" 150',
'1 3 "Party Number" 150',
'2 3 "Ord.Customer" 150',
'3 3 "Ord.Customer CN" 150',
'1 4 "Party Number" 150',
'2 4 "Ord.Institution" 150',
'3 4 "ORC NO." 150',
'1 5 "Party Number" 150',
'2 5 "Paying Bank" 150',
'1 6 "Opened" 100',
'2 6 "Value" 100',
'1 7 "Closed" 100',
'1 8 "Cur" 100',
'2 8 "Cur" 100',
'1 9 "Paym.Amount" 150',
'2 9 "Amount rcvd." 150',
'1 10 "Pyectycod" 150',
'1 11 "Orcctycod" 150',
'1 1 "Reference" 150 ',
'2 2 "Resp. User" 100 ',
'12 3 "PYE NO." 100 ',
'9 4 "Payee.Party Number" 150',
'10 5 "Payee Customer" 250',
'11 6 "PYE.Customer CN" 130',
'13 7 "Ord.Party Number" 150',
'14 8 "Ord.Customer" 250',
'15 9 "Ord.Customer CN" 130',
'16 10 "1.Party Number" 150',
'17 11 "Ord.Institution" 200',
'12 12 "ORC NO." 150',
'18 13 "2.Party Number" 150',
'19 14 "Paying Bank" 150',
//'3 15 "Opened" 140',
//'4 16 "Value" 140',
//'5 17 "Closed" 140',
'20 18 "1.Cur" 80',
'22 19 "2.Cur" 80',
'21 20 "Paym.Amount" 120',
'23 21 "Amount rcvd." 120',
'6 22 "Pyectycod" 100',
'7 23 "Orcctycod" 100',
data: [],
......@@ -372,7 +375,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
handleSearch(callback) {
/* handleSearch(callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
title: "提示",
......@@ -381,7 +384,7 @@ export default {
// 执行子组件回调函数控制按钮状态
}, 1000);
}, */
handleReset() {},
created: function () {},
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