Commit 7f020fdd by “yanyuxin”


parent 0b0c2ebc
......@@ -5051,6 +5051,18 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "实时随人行基准利率调整", value: "A" },
{ label: "外汇HIBOR浮动利率", value: "8" },
ratchgtyp1: [
{ label: "固定不变", value: "1" },
{ label: "实时随LPR调整", value: "2" },
{ label: "按季(每季度末月锚定起息日)", value: "3" },
{ label: "按半年(每年6月和12月锚定起息日)", value: "4" },
{ label: "融资起息日每满1个月", value: "5" },
{ label: "融资起息日每满3个月", value: "6" },
{ label: "融资起息日每满6个月", value: "7" },
{ label: "外汇LIBOR浮动利率", value: "8" },
{ label: "外汇HIBOR浮动利率", value: "9" },
{ label: "外汇SIBOR浮动利率", value: "A" },
ratfcc: [
{ label: "+/- to the value", value: "A" },
{ label: "Keep the old value", value: "N" },
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